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Maureen Beattie

Maureen Beattie
Maureen Beattie is a Marketing Strategist at Integrate. She has a mild obsession with demonstrating return-on-investment for marketing campaigns. Her top priority is providing value to customers through the elimination of laborious tasks and creating an easier, clearer path to maximizing the best results.

7 Prospect Targeting Tactics And Why They Work

In marketing’s old world (pre-2013), e-mail campaigns went to large lists that were developed to be as inclusive as possible. Low response rates were...

Don’t Ignore Telemarketing for Demand Gen

Digital marketing dominates the B2B marketing space, making telemarketing seem like an outdated, or at least an under-appreciated, marketing method for generating and qualifying...

Marketing Practitioners: Face Your MarTech Fears One Solution At A Time

Today’s marketers are witness to a paradigm shift in how marketing programs are built, executed and evaluated and technology is at the backbone of...

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