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Marcio Rodrigues

Marcio Rodrigues
Marcio Rodrigues is Customer Propositions Director at Vizolution.co.uk . Passionate about customer experience and innovation with over 10 years' experience in designing, managing and analysing winning customer experience programmes in the UK, EU, US, South African and Indian markets. CXPA UK Board Ambassador. @marcioontw

Without Trust, The Customer Journey is Dead….

“An anthropomorphic robot waits for a ride by a highway in Canada, placed there by social scientists hoping to find out if drivers will...

No, TANKS! “Survival is not mandatory”

Soldiers across the world and down the ages will tell you that time spent on reconnaissance is rarely wasted. When lives are at stake...

The Call Centre Metamorphosis – Serving the Internet of Customers

Digital disruption is all around us; walk into any coffee shop today (many with free Wi-Fi) and you'll probably see over 50% of people...

Sales Call Centres Need a Shop Window

Building bridges: U Bein is the longest teak span bridge in the world, stretching on for 1.2km I previously talked about the importance of service...

Next up: 2014, Customer Experience Buyback

Ho ho ho, it's that time of year again. Ho! Wait Christmas is gone and 2014 is upon us…… I decided this year to...

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