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Jenny Dempsey

Jenny Dempsey
Jenny is Consumer Experience Manager for Apeel Sciences and FruitStand with more than 15 years of customer service experience. She is co-founder and a regular contributor on CustomerServiceLife.com.

Doctor Who Knows Customer Service

I am revealing a new level of my nerdiness here: I’m a huge Doctor Who fan. And, if you know me, you know I love connecting...

Customers Wake Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed, Too!

Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations with customers where being nice and offering to help just isn’t enough. You can be the most awesome person in the...

5 Tips for Dealing with Angry Customers

How do I put this nicely… …while we strive to go above and beyond for our customers, help resolve problems and be as kind as...

Customer Service is People Helping People

It is a crowded evening, during rush hour foot traffic on the New York City subway. We have just approached my stop. A herd of...

Raise the Bar, Not Your Voice, in Customer Service

I sneak out of the office around 11am to beat the lunchtime rush at Fresh & Co, a salad, sandwich and soup shop in...

3 Quick Ways to Whip Up Creative Customer Service

To celebrate my boyfriend’s 30th birthday, we keep it low key and go to our favorite burger place, Zinburger for a meal of epic proportions (seriously–these...

Dear Customer, You’re SCREWED!

Public transportation in the New York/New Jersey area is fairly efficient; it’s on time, cheap and moderately clean (er, well, for the most part). But, it...

WOW Your Customer Later, Alligator!

It was to be an evening of fanciness for the Dempsey sisters. I was in town for the week, working in San Diego, and...

Coast to Coast Customer Service

You want to know something that isn’t very easy to do but is absolutely, totally doable? Being the one person on a customer support team that...

Giving Yourself Permission to Focus

We know multi-tasking is bad news. Ultimately, it doesn’t help you but rather hurts you in the long run. In Jeff Toister’s post titled, “Why...

Communicate Clearly To Your Customers Or Don’t Complain

I was out of town recently and received the SMS notification that my prescription was ready for pick up at CVS pharmacy. I knew I...

Proactive Planning Makes the Customer Experience

In the borough of Queens, in New York City, we have limited subway service as it is, relying heavily on one train to get...

The Hang-Up-Follow-Up Customer Service Shimmy

There comes a time where you are talking on the phone with a customer service representative and the call is disconnected. Bye, bye call! And,…

Customer Service from the Heart

I am on a mission to find the most compassionate, heartfelt customer service memes and e-cards to help capture the true customer experience. It may...

You Hold the Key to Customer Success

Your product is out on the market for a reason. It’s there to enhance someone’s life in one way or another. While your ultimate...

3 Tips to Creating Your Own Employee Reward Program

The customer’s experience relies on your employee experience. If your employee isn’t feeling motivated to be at work, chances are the customer experience they give...

2 “Grand” Customer Service Lessons

Last night, I went to the movies and saw “The Grand Budapest Hotel“, a movie I knew little about prior to stepping into the...

Always Do Your Best in Customer Service

It’s been an exciting journey examining Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements, and connecting the lessons to customer service. This post covers the fourth...

Customer Service Knight in Shining Armor

I’m still waiting. I picture it happening like a knight in shining armor, riding up through the woods, on a white stallion, here to save...

3 Tips for Gaining Clarity in Customer Service

Over the past two weeks, I’ve taken Don Miguel Ruiz’s wisdom and shared two of The Four Agreements  and how they relate to customer...

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