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Khara Ashburne

Khara Ashburne
KACE Consulting
Khara Ashburne, has over 16 years of strategic and executive program management experience, specializing in customer experience program design, corporate coaching and closed-loop management. With an extremely passionate view on superior customer experience, she has worked with small and large organizations, driving transformational programs designed to convert customers from simple, passive payers – or even worse, detractors – to loyal enthusiastic advocates of you and your brand.

Is the Customer Always Right? 3 Quick Answers

Well, no. Of course not. But how do you tell them that they're wrong and still keep the relationship intact? Here are a few...

The Danger of Dispassionate Employees

So while visiting one of my favorite natural food stores I observed someone putting a new product on the shelves. I remarked "Oooh, that...

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