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Annette Franz

Annette Franz
Annette Franz is founder and Chief Experience Officer of CX Journey Inc. She is an internationally recognized customer experience thought leader, coach, consultant, and speaker. She has 25+ years of experience in helping companies understand their employees and customers in order to identify what makes for a great experience and what drives retention, satisfaction, and engagement. She's sharing this knowledge and experience in her first book, Customer Understanding: Three Ways to Put the "Customer" in Customer Experience (and at the Heart of Your Business).

B2B Customer Experience Management Best Practices

If you work for a B2B company, is customer experience still an important focus? Yes, without a doubt! That question should never cross your lips!...

Your Customer Experience is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link

Where are you on your customer experience (CX) journey? Well down the path? Just starting? Dreaming of the days when "customer experience" will become...

A Remarkable Customer Experience Trumps…

I originally wrote today's post for 360Connext on November 8, 2013. What does a consistently great customer experience trump? You've read a lot of posts...

Five Key Questions to Ask to Achieve a Customer-Centric Culture

I originally wrote today's post on July 2, 2013, for Entrepreneurs Questions. When I think about customer-centric cultures, companies like Zappos, Southwest, and Ritz-Carlton come...

Missing the Target on Customer Service

Are you one of the 40 million people affected by the recent Target data hack? If so, then you know exactly what I mean when...

Customer Experience: Marketing without Marketing

Were you one of the hundreds of thousands of people who downloaded Beyonce's new album last week? Let's take a closer look at this recent...

The Third Rail of Customer Experience

Have you ever wondered what "the third rail" of customer experience is? I have. But first, for those of you who have never heard this...

This Trumps Customer Experience

Zig Ziglar said, "You don't build a business. You build people and then build the business." A few weeks ago, I wrote a guest post...

A Customer Experience Carol

This is my favorite time of the year. Christmas is such a magical holiday filled with wonderful stories and memorable moments! I love all of...

The Omnichannel Customer Service Gap

How well does your organization execute the omnichannel customer experience? Is there awareness around it? Is it a priority? If you answered "No," it's time...

“Sucking Less” is Not a #CX Strategy

In this day and age, is there any viable excuse for not focusing on the customer experience? I was part of a panel that participated...

When You Take Care of Your Customers, They Take Care of You

This post was originally published on October 7, 2013, on Customer Management IQ. When your employees deliver a great experience, is it a fluke, or...

The 15 Senses of a Great Customer Experience

Have you ever considered which of the senses are most important to both the employee experience and the customer experience? Nope. I'm not talking about...

A Ton of Scary #CustExp Quotes and Stats

Happy Halloween! Let's celebrate Halloween customer experience style by taking a look at some scary reasons you need to be focusing on the employee...

Go the Extra Smile

When a book's opening sentence includes the following phrase in bold, I know I want to read what the author has to say:...

What Happens in Vagueness Stays in Vagueness

Do your employees know what's expected of them, in general? And when it comes to delivering a great customer experience? I wish I could say...

Kicking the #CX Can Down the Road

Are your executives kicking the customer experience can down the road? People in the U.S. are upset with their politicians because the current budget crisis/government...

CX Journey Lessons from Christopher Columbus

What can we learn about the CX Journey from Christopher Columbus' journeys? Yesterday was Columbus Day in the U.S., a holiday that honors Italian sailor...

Customer Service or Customer Experience?

Customer service or customer experience? Are they the same thing? There's been a lot of talk about whether marketing and customer experience are one and...

Turtles and Frontline Leadership

As we move through Customer Service Week 2013, what are you doing to help your employees deliver the best customer service possible? I recently read...

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