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Annette Franz

Annette Franz
Annette Franz is founder and Chief Experience Officer of CX Journey Inc. She is an internationally recognized customer experience thought leader, coach, consultant, and speaker. She has 25+ years of experience in helping companies understand their employees and customers in order to identify what makes for a great experience and what drives retention, satisfaction, and engagement. She's sharing this knowledge and experience in her first book, Customer Understanding: Three Ways to Put the "Customer" in Customer Experience (and at the Heart of Your Business).

The Future of Customer Experience

I'm blogging again today (note: I wrote this yesterday but didn't get a chance to publish it) from the Customer Experience Professionals Insight Exchange...

Easier Said than Done: Move the Needle with Your Customer Experience Strategy

I'm blogging today from the Customer Experience Professional Association's (CXPA) Insight Exchange in San Diego. In addition to the local networking events that local...

Tell Your Change Story

When you're ready to make or introduce a change in your organization, how do you tell employees about it? Or do you?Last week, I...

Successful Transformations: The Ugly #CX Duckling

How's your customer experience transformation coming along?I'm sure you've heard (or recall)  Hans Christian Andersen's story, The Ugly Duckling. If not, here's a quick...

What Do Your Employees Know About Customer Experience?

What do your employees know about customer experience?I've been talking about the importance of employees to the customer experience since my days at J.D....

Measure Twice, Cut Once

I originally wrote today's post for Intradiem. It was published on their blog on October 22, 2014.How well do you vet any process improvements...

Raving Fans vs. Fairweather Fans

Are your customers raving fans or fairweather fans?Given that it's the start of the baseball season, it was timely (albeit, intentionally so) that I...

The DNA of a Successful Customer Experience

What are the Six Pillars that Nunwood has dubbed "the DNA of a successful customer experience?"I was recently sent an advance copy of the...

What’s the Meaning of All of This Employee Lingo?

Confused by some of the employee experience lingo you're hearing? You're not alone!A couple weeks ago, I participated in a webinar with Kyle Antcliff...

It’s Not About the Metric

I originally wrote today's post for Confirmit in November 2014. I've made some modifications.In November 2014, I participated in the Hooked On Customers Summit,...

Is Your Company a “Best Employer?”

What does it take to be a "Best Employer" company? And why is that a goal worth setting - and achieving - for your...

The #CX Proof is In the (Diet) Pudding

I have a few questions for you about your company: Are you focusing on acquisition or retention? Are you rebranding your image or are you reinventing...

The 7 Deadly Sins of Customer Experience

Is your company committing the 7 Deadly Sins of customer experience?Recently, my kids asked me about the 7 Deadly Sins; I don't remember how...

The Extra Mile or The Last Mile?

Which is more important: the last mile or the extra mile?A couple months ago, I wrote about first and last impressions, posing a similar...

Stakeholder Engagement for #CX Success

Today's post is a modified version of a post I originally wrote for Confirmit in April 2013. What is a stakeholder? And why should I...

Discounts Sabotage

Is your customer acquisition (and retention) strategy based on discount pricing? How's that working for you?Discounts might be working well to bring customers in...

Why Customers Really Leave

Have you ever wondered why customers say they buy your products based on price - and then, in the end, they also stop buying...

A Confused Customer Buys Nothing

I originally wrote today's post for Intradiem on September 25, 2014.Are your customers confused? Do you even know what that means? And do you...

Is Your Brand a #CX Earworm?

What on earth is an earworm? And what does it have to do with customer experience?The first time I heard this word, I had...

Do Your Customers Talk About Your Products or Your Ads?

Are you delivering a great customer experience - or are you just relying on advertising to create awareness and sell your products?On the eve...

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