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Annette Franz

Annette Franz
Annette Franz is founder and Chief Experience Officer of CX Journey Inc. She is an internationally recognized customer experience thought leader, coach, consultant, and speaker. She has 25+ years of experience in helping companies understand their employees and customers in order to identify what makes for a great experience and what drives retention, satisfaction, and engagement. She's sharing this knowledge and experience in her first book, Customer Understanding: Three Ways to Put the "Customer" in Customer Experience (and at the Heart of Your Business).

Moments of Truth

Do you know the moments of truth for various tasks customers attempt to achieve with your organization?Before you can know or identify your moments...

The Most Important Rule of Journey Mapping

Today's post is a modified version of a post I originally published on Touchpoint Dashboard's blog on March 9, 2015.Creating a customer journey map...

Outside-In vs. Inside-Out Thinking

In the world of customer experience, what's the difference between outside-in and inside-out?Inside-out thinking means your focus is on processes, systems, tools, and products...

Moving at the Speed of Innovation

Do you think that the speed of innovation is too fast for your customers? or just right? Do you know how your customers feel...

What is the #CX End Game?

I originally wrote today's post for DuSentio; it appeared on their blog on March 23, 2015.I won't take the sports analogy very far, but...

Journey Maps: “Binding Agent” for Mergers and Acquisitions

Today's post is a modified version of a post I originally published on Touchpoint Dashboard's blog on February 19, 2015.Has your company made an...

Six Rules for Smart Simplicity and Employee Engagement

I originally wrote today's post for Intradiem. It appeared on their blog on February 19, 2015.Is this the secret to employee engagement?I recently came...

CX Journey™ Musings: Who Are Your Employees Playing For?

Employee passion drives results.That's the title of a blog post I wrote back in 2012. Without question, that statement still holds true today.When employees...

CX Journey™ Musings: Customer Memory

Do your customers have customer memory?What is customer memory? If you lift weights like I do, you might be familiar with the phrase muscle...

The Many Voices of Customer Experience

There are many voices you need to listen to when developing your customer experience strategy. You listen to your customers and to your employees....

Journey Maps: Not an Exercise in Futility

Today's post is a modified version of a post I originally published on Touchpoint Dashboard on February 4, 2015.One of the arguments against journey...

CX Journey™ Musings: Buy-In or Commitment?

Buy-in vs. commitment: is there a difference? And does it matter if there is?As I was writing my most-recent post earlier this week, I...

What’s Your #CX Strategy?

What is a customer experience strategy? Have you laid the groundwork for a successful execution?Let's start by defining "customer experience strategy."A customer experience strategy...

Aligning the Organization Around the Customer with Customer Rooms

Is your entire company - executives and employees alike - aligned with and around the customer?Do they know who your customers are? Do they...

CX Journey™ Musings: Do You Know Your Customers’ Backstories?

Every customer has a backstory. Do you listen for it?Let's start with defining the term first, as I often do. What is a backstory?Dictionary.com...

CX Journey™ Musings: Are We Dumbing Down the Customer Experience?

Does "imitate the competition" describe your approach to customer experience design? Are you more focused on what your competitors are doing than on your own...

Hire for People Skills: Are Those Skills Taught or Innate?

We advocate hiring for attitude and training for skill, right? Where do you think that attitude comes from? If attitude is defined as: a manner...

Getting Everyone on the Same #CX Page

How do we ensure that everyone in the organization is on the same page when it comes to customer experience?My latest post has me...

CX Journey™ Musings: Building Your #CX Cathedral

In your CX work, do you focus on the big picture or just on the task at hand?At the CXPA Insight Exchange in San...

CX Journey™ Musings: Providing a Human Experience

Have you ever had an idea that needs a little boost to get to fruition?Every once in a while, I get some random thoughts...

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