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Ernan Roman

Ernan Roman
Ernan Roman (@ernanroman) is president of ERDM Corp. and author of Voice of the Customer Marketing. He was inducted into the DMA Marketing Hall of Fame due to the results his VoC research-based CX strategies achieve for clients such as IBM, Microsoft, QVC, Gilt and HP. ERDM conducts deep qualitative research to help companies understand how customers articulate their feelings and expectations for high value CX and personalization. Named one of the Top 40 Digital Luminaries and one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Marketing.

5 Tips to Boost Native Advertising Effectiveness

There’s good news for marketers when it comes to consumer acceptance of contextual advertising. Consumers have come to terms with these ads... but only...

5 Tips for Using Customer Data to Deliver High Value

Customers have learned that in order to have a more customized experience they need to provide the data to drive those high-value communications and...

5 Smart Social Community Strategies That Boost Sales

By Ernan Roman Reprinted from: Business 2 Community The Challenge: Social media has evolved into more than just another advertising channel, with communities transcending traditional…

Multichannel Engagement; 6 Requirements and 3 Takeaways

There’s an ever increasing range of media and channels with which to engage customers. And although companies know an integrated multichannel engagement strategy is...

Driving Word of Mouth Referrals

The Challenge: Companies rely on customer referrals to bring in new business. But, they continue to struggle to interact, listen, and respond in a...

3 Tips for Involving Customers With Your Brand

The Challenge: Companies need to involve customers with their brand by providing emotional connections that drive engagement and purchases. Here are 3 tips to help...

Don’t Use CRM To Automate Bad Behaviors

Feature story from CMO.com Don't Use CRM To Automate Bad Behaviors Here’s the good news about the state of CRM today: Most companies recognize the…

Why Isn’t Your Customer Service Better?

Challenge: At a time when good customer service would be assumed to be a core competency, why are so many companies still not delivering...

6 Customer Experience Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Loyalty 360 Feature Story. Per results from recent Voice of Customer (VoC) research, Customer Experience strategies are failing to deliver the quality...

Oreo; Twitter Based Custom Cookies and CX Innovation

Challenge: Consumers have more avenues and channels to connect with brands than ever before. Therefore marketers need to embrace new ways to influence customer...

How Social Listening Helps the Red Cross and Dell

Challenge: Today’s consumers are more connected via new media than ever before. To fully engage the multichannel consumer, companies need to leverage the power...

Experiential Marketing; Creative Ideas from Vanity Fair and Frito Lay

Challenge: Customers want to be actively involved in their own brand experiences. To meet this demand companies are developing innovative experiential marketing campaigns utilizing...

6 Multichannel Takeaways from Best Buy’s Marketing

Challenge: Marketers are having a tough time maintaining engagement with today’s multichannel, multi-device consumers. According to ShopperTrack, which uses a network of 60,000 shopper-counting devices...

Macy’s Rewards Customers for Providing Tracking Permission

Challenge: New technology allows companies to track consumer’s every move. However, caution must be taken to ensure that permission is gained before tracking commences. In...

NFL.com Gets High Scores on Engaging Emails

Challenge: Email deliverability is now dependent on a sender’s ability to deliver engaging content to subscribers. Since engagement has become a key ingredient in...

IBM: Innovations in ‘Outside In’ Conversations and Content

Challenge: Many companies are bothering customers with irrelevant content, rather than "conversing" with them through personalized interactions. Conversing with customers should now encompass key...

4 Tips That Transform Holiday Shoppers Into Loyal Customers

Challenge: Tis the season for customers to think "sale." However, while customers are concentrating on transactions, companies need to think beyond the holidays. We...

Walgreens: Tips for Transforming the Customer Experience

"Never in my 31 years with this company have I ever seen customer satisfaction jump like it does in these Experience stores. Customers...

Preference Centers: Are CMOs Overlooking Their Importance?

A good preference center is akin to a good first date. It is all about initial appropriateness, understanding, and communication. Once accomplished, you have...

Is Your Preference Center Hurting Your Customer Experience?

Feature story from CMO.com Is Your Preference Center Hurting Your Customer Experience? "I'm in a cold sweat." So began the call from the CMO of…

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