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Dave Stein

Dave Stein
Dave specializes in helping his clients win critical B2B sales opportunities as well as helping them hire the best sales talent.Dave is co-author of Beyond the Sales Process. He wrote the best-selling How Winners Sell in 2004.

One Marketing Guy Who Gets It (What Sales Needs, That Is)

I recently ran into Brian Reilly in Cancun, Mexico, at a social event. With me being on the sales side and Brian on...

Sales Reps and the Selective Attention Challenge

One of the most common issues that needs to be overcome through a sales performance improvement initiative is the subjectivity with which many salespeople...

The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation

If you're in sales management or especially in a higher level sales executive position and you don't know who the Sales Executive Council ("SEC")...

Effective Selling Starts With The Customer

I'm not sure of the origin of the aphorism, "We see things not as they are, but as we are." I'd like you...

Sales Training Buyers and Companies Blog

A Conversation with Sales Training Industry Leader Dave Kurlan Part I: What's In It for Me (and My Sales Organization)? If you've been following this...

About Salesreps: Can You Transform a C Player into a B Player?

We read a lot on the sales blogs and in articles about A, B, and C players. Those pieces have covered various methods,...

Your Company’s Culture: Does Sales Eat First?

I don't hear the phrase "sales culture" very much any more. That's too bad. In the past, that phrase was most commonly used...

Customized Sales Training: A Good Thing or Not?

Many sales leaders and learning organizations want a customized sales training experience from their third-party providers, whether it be traditional live or some form...

Complex Sale? No Organization Chart? Why Not?

Why don't sales reps don't utilize org charts for complex opportunities they're pursuing? Why don't their sales managers insist that they do? Those...

Is Sales Last on Line in Your Company?

At some point, in nearly every conversation I have with sales trainers, the subject comes up of how broken the sales function is in...

Understanding the Value of Assessments for Sales Hiring

A Conversation with Sales Training Industry Leader Dave Kurlan Part I: What's In It for Me (and My Sales Organization)? If you've been following this...

What Sales Training Companies Need to Know

This week ESR delivered a webinar for sales trainers and principals of sales training companies.* The title was: The Sales Training Market is Growing...

If I Have to Sit Through One More Sales Training Class

To Sales Reps and Their First-Line Managers: You have the right to be: Assessed for your individual strengths and weaknesses, Educated and trained in areas…

Sales Training Buyers Beware. There is No Barrier to Entry in The Sales Training Business.

Pretty scary, huh? It sure is, especially if you're a sales manager looking for answers. Every day there is more bad advice posted on...

Transform Your Customers into Unassailable References (Part 2)

Good references are made, not born. Here is a continuation of the previous blog post, Part 1, beginning with step seven of the thirteen-step...

Transform Your Customers into Unassailable References (Part 1)

Good references are made, not born. References fall into two broad categories, which sometimes overlap: those your company maintains, and your personal references. Sales...

Raise Your Sales Team’s Competitive IQ

When I travel to Ireland each year, one of the subjects I'm asked to cover is salesrep against salesrep competition. The way I see it,...

What Are the Real Inhibitors to Effective Selling in Your Organization?

When companies come to us to understand how their salespeople can sell more effectively, we don't just look at sales training. One of...

Are You Stuck on an Escalator?

There are some valuable videos on YouTube that I've used as the foundation for meaningful discussions at the executive level about elevating the level...

34 Proven Tactics for Winning More Business

This post is for all my new colleagues in Ireland—sales executives and directors, VPs, MDs, and CEOs who have been attending Enterprise Ireland and...

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