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Dan Waldschmidt

Dan Waldschmidt
Speaker, author, strategist, Dan Waldschmidt is a conversation changer. Dan and his team help people arrive at business-changing breakthrough ideas by moving past outdated conventional wisdom, social peer pressure, and the selfish behaviors that stop them from being high performers. The Wall Street Journal calls his blog, Edge of Explosion, one of the Top 7 blogs sales blogs anywhere on the internet and hundreds of his articles on unconventional sales tactics have been published.

How to Avoid Hiring Super-Star Sales Losers.

We all want more revenue. Whether you are selling internet servers in the Antarctic or pedal-cab rides in Sao Paulo, more money means the same...

5 Unconventional Sales Ideas to Help You Land (Many) More Customers.

We all want more customers. It doesn't matter who you are — baker, butcher, or anonymous computer hacker. Getting more consumers is an all-consuming...

Blue Rhinos, Brown Dogs, and Ways to Change the Conversation.

Getting noticed is one of the biggest challenges businesses face today. It's top of mind for executives in marketing, sales, customer service, and public...

Sales Witchcraft and the Insanity of “Turn-and-Burn” Selling Strategies.

Far away in the magical land of sales wonderment there lies the holy grail of selling immortality. A place of "drop the facts on you"...

The Science Behind Outrageous Business Success.

We all want to be outrageously successful in business. No one starts a business or jumps into a neurotic craft like selling without the single-minded...

UnCommon Sense Cold Calling Strategy.

One of the ongoing "raging debates" amongst sales strategists is the practice of cold calling. Is it still a valid form of prospecting? Does...

Crippled Selling, Wounded Warriors, and Misfit Sales Technology.

Sales has become the ultimate business battle ground. Like storied legends of past world wars, salesmen crouch dangerously on the front lines of combat. ...

The Illogic of Selling Logically.

We are enamored with "making sense". There is nothing more frightful for the sales newbie than feeling like they don't know all the rhymes and...

Controlling the Idiot Inside You.

There seems to be an idiot inside of us that is always about two drinks away from strangling our common sense and rolling back...

Old Dogs, New Tricks, and the Attitude That Will Make You a Sales Super Star.

You've been there before. You're right in the middle of building a plan and all of a sudden everything you thought you knew about what...

23 Unconventional Leadership Lessons For Future Super-Stars.

It's a tough job being the leader. It's even tougher jockeying to get in the position to be the leader. Right? You have to push…

4 Reasons You’re Not as Successful As They Are.

We all want to be more successful. From the time we're on infant, we just want to be a little bit better. It's about making…

Quick Ways to Kill Your Customers.

Everybody has problems. You do. Your boss does. The post man. The pizza delivery guy. The sports super-star. They all have problems. And that's actually...

Unlock Your Inner Screw-up

We hate being wrong. Lump it together with "getting left at the altar on your wedding day" and there really isn't anything much worse that...

Quotas Are For Quitters.

Goals are kinda important. Right? If you don't know where you want to go, you stand the chance of ending up in some pretty awkward…

Why Building Rapport is Killing Your Sales Career.

People don't need to like you to do business with you. Heck, they don't even need to trust you all the time. Don't get me…

Why Buyers Hate Your Sales Presentation.

Somewhere between the evolution of the cave man and the invention of the Model T assembly line, the sales presentation became the mode of...

Selling to Sociopaths.

Inside of each sales person is an unquenchable thirst to win. It's almost indescribable the raw gut-wrenching aversion we have to losing. We can't...

What To Do When No One Listens.

You've got a product to sell, a quota to hit, and a business to grow. And if you're halfway motivated, you're beating the streets making...

Bad Questions, Stupid Answers, and Wasted Sales Effort.

The ebb and flow of selling hinges on your crafty ability to ask and answer key questions. To be truly great at sales you need...

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