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Dave Brock

Dave Brock
Dave has spent his career developing high performance organizations. He worked in sales, marketing, and executive management capacities with IBM, Tektronix and Keithley Instruments. His consulting clients include companies in the semiconductor, aerospace, electronics, consumer products, computer, telecommunications, retailing, internet, software, professional and financial services industries.

“The Secret Sauce To Sales Enablement

I recently read a quite interesting blog post entitled, "The Secret Sauce To Sales Enablement–Knowledge Management." The post was quite interesting, but the...

Marketing And Sales-Nimbleness, Agility, Flexibility

My post, Marketing Displaces Sales, created a lot of comments and discussion. It's clear, our customers want to be engaged in different ways....

Dear Occupant, I’ve Got Insight!

Insight is a key differentiators in the value we create for our customers, throughout their buying process. The insights we provide, the ability...

Marketing Displaces Sales!

Customers are self educating, they don't want to see sales people until they have completed the majority of their buying process! We all...

Co-Creation Critical To Selling Solutions

For years, we've been trained, "Customers want solutions." The best of us try to sell solutions, moving beyond just product features, functions, and...

Mobility, Life And Work Recreated

Tweet Mobility is changing the way we work and live! As a preface to this article, I'm excited to announce the launch to the...

Stop Worrying About The Questions Your Customers Are Asking!

Don't get me wrong, you have to be responsive to your customers. You have to provide compelling and meaningful answers to their questions....

Insight And Challenging Without Outcomes Is Just Dreaming

Our customers want insights–they want to learn more about what they could achieve, how they can improve, why they might change! In my...

Insight Doesn’t Have To Be About Solving World Hunger

I had a fascinating conversation with a sales executive today. His team was inspired by Challenger and Insight selling, as so many of...

Value Co-Creation Starts Internally

Recently, I wrote Moving From Value Creation To Value Co-Creation. Co-Creation is becoming an important concept, ultimately, being able to work with our...

We’ve Succeeded When We Stop Talking About

A number of years ago, I was working with a team of executives implementing some major changes to the organization and they way they...

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff – a famous book by Tom Wolfe turned into a decent movie, was all about the very early stages of...

When We All Do The Same Thing, How Do We Stand Out?

I'm buying a new car—-no this article is not going to be about me whining about car sales people, it's really about all of...

Are You Playing Your Game Or Someone Else’s?

Anyone who has been involved in competitive athletics at any level knows you have to play your own game. Once you start playing...

How Committed Are You?

With apologies to my Muslim, Jewish, Vegetarian, and Vegan friends, I'll start this post with the old story: "In helping prepare the ham...

Are You Dealing With The Problem Owner Or The Solution Owner?

Yes, I know a few of you are scratching your heads saying, "What does Dave mean with this title?" I'll explain, but first, I need...

Conflict Avoidance

You'd think I shouldn't have to write a sales blog post about "Conflict Avoidance," yet I feel compelled to do so. In...

Starting At The Top

There's the old adage–still promoted in way too many sales training workshops, articles, and blogs: "Start at the top!" It's wrong,...

Meeting Our Commitments

As professionals, particularly as sales professionals, we are only as good as the commitments we meet. We're always making commitments–to our customers, our...

Stop Wasting Your Time Selling!

A sales person's job is to sell–so why would I recommend professional sales people stop wasting their time selling? The real issue is...

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