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Bill Brohaugh

Bill Brohaugh
As managing editor, Bill Brohaugh is responsible for the day-to-day management and editorial for the COLLOQUY magazine and colloquy.com, the most comprehensive loyalty marketing web site in the world. In addition to writing many of the feature articles, Bill develops the editorial calendar, hires and manages outside writers and researchers and oversees print and online production. He also contributes to COLLOQUY's weekly email Market Alert and the COLLOQUYTalk series of white papers.

The power of card rewards

An interesting perspective in the light of Chase ceasing to accept enrollments for debit rewards cards, effective today (Feb. 8, 2011), is a recent...

Moo. Mauve. Moo.

I'm just back from vacation visiting family in my native Wisconsin (where I'd spent a few growing-up childhood years on a dairy farm). While...

The game is afoot

In writing about "gamification" in the current issue of COLLOQUY ("Game On!"), my approach was playful (pun seriously intended) on what is serious business....

The Consumer Power of Ten

“Set the snowball effect in motion!” read the headline of a recent retail email I received–specifically, from Smith Micro Software. Snowball, indeed. The offer...

Straight talk

I’ve never met Bill Samuels, Jr. But I’m sure I’d enjoy sitting down and sharing a cocktail with him. Maker’s Mark, straight up. Mr. Samuels...

Dead to rights

There’s a line in the Don Henley song “The Boys of Summer” in which the singer spots a Deadhead sticker on the bumper of...

Exit Strategies for a Fizzled Impression

When Bank of America sent out an internal memo touting an upcoming corporate promotion that was faxed to several East Coast branches of Bank...

Simplify Simplify Simplify

Or would it be simpler to say just “Simplify.” One could argue that Walmart is in something of a streamlining mode, not necessarily represented (though...

Creature of Habit

I would venture to say that "habit" is my middle name, except that W.H.B. isn't exactly as elegant a monogram as the one resulting...

Qantifiable benefit

Technology enables; creativity wins. We’ve chanted variations of that mantra over the years, and were pleased to see it echoing back in the form...

O yeah?

As we point out in “COLLOQUY’s 20th Anniversary Retrospective: Didn’t We Settle That Back in ’95?”, loyalty programs should be integrally linked to overall...

Luxury has gone to your head

Loyalty marketers speak regularly about "surprise and delight" when engaging with best customers–that little extra that makes them feel special, and strengthens their bond...

Don’t let the points burn a hole in your pocket

Interesting perspective on perspective in a blog entry called “10 Frequent Flyer Tips You Need to Know” at TravelGuideline.net. From Tip #6. As a frequent...

Kitchen coalition

Here's a recipe for success. Australian coalition program FlyBuys reports that it enjoyed a membership surge in 2009, and attributes part of it to...

Savings and goal orientation

A while back, I waxed nostalgic about Christmas Clubs–the largely dormant concept of a bank savings account into which savers deposited set amounts at...

The Search for Program Clarity

Microsoft recently announced that it was ending the cashback awards program that supporte Bing (the search engine, not the singer). Bing cashback will end...

Isn’t the sound of turning a magazine page kind of like the sound of a gentle wave splashing on...

So here I am, right in the middle of Electronic Social Media Land, about to tout a bit of old media that has seen...

While I still have your attention

In followup to my notes about AAdvantage Mileage Multiplier (American Airlines’ program to sell extra miles via airport check-in kiosks) comes Onboard Booking Bonus,...

Free Association

Today only! Read this column for free! I'm no different from all marketers preceding me, who have long understood the power of free—samples, for instance....

While I have your attention . . .

At the grocery store, I manage to pay little attention to the candy, the chilled bottles of soda, the magazines, and the short row...

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