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Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee is a B2B Marketing Strategist and the CEO of her firm, Marketing Interactions, Inc. She helps B2B companies with complex sales create and use persona-driven content marketing strategies to turn prospects into buyers and convince customers to stay. Ardath is the author of Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results and eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale. She's also an in-demand industry speaker.

The Secret to a Longer Life for Marketing Content

I work with a lot of companies that are limited in their ability to produce enough marketing content. I don't mean just any content,...

The What Ifs? that Can Derail a Deal

We've all read the reports and research that shows B2B sales win rates are in an overall decline. But, it's not just losing the...

Deliver a Psychic Pizza with B2B Marketing

Catching up on my reading this weekend, I came across an interview in the AMA's Marketing News magazine with John Goodman, vice chairman of...

Are B2B Salespeople Thought Leaders?

I was reading Opportunity Nurturing: Sending Stuff Isn't Always the Best Solution over on the Openview Blog where Devon McDonald interviewed Trish Bertuzzi, from...

A B2B Marketing-Sales Funnel Disconnect

As most of you likely know, I'm a research fiend. I find it really interesting to learn what marketers think about their work, challenges...

Content Marketing Needs More Than Content

A lot of companies have embraced the idea of content for use in marketing. This being said, there's much more to the practice of...

5 Things a B2B Website Must Accomplish

Seeing that my last post was about a report that showed B2B websites were critical to marketing but not performing up to their potential,...

From B2B Marketing Silo to Buyer Experience

In reviewing an article in BtoB Magazine, Tech Marketing Budgets Lower Than Expected, I came across this statistic that made me stop and think:...

Balancing the Demand Equation

Over the weekend I had the privilege to read Adam Needles' new book, Balancing the Demand Equation. I highly reccommend that you go...

Show Quantity the Door

I speak to a lot of B2B content marketers. It can be exhausting. Not speaking to them, of course, but hearing them talk about...

Why Should I Care?

If you do nothing else when evaluating the probability that your marketing content will resonate with your prospects and customers, answer this question from...

What’s Your Website Content Really Saying?

One of the things that gets forgotten during marketing content developed for website use is the impact of the presentation of the content within...

From Click to Content – What’s the Response?

Clicks are often considered as measurements of B2B marketing success. But have you ever stopped to think about the meaning of a click? How...

Content Marketers’ Great Expectations

With the advance of content marketing as a mainstay strategy for B2B marketers comes the inevitability of great expectations. But, I often encounter B2B...

Content Marketers Need a Customer Field Trip

As content marketers, we're often so busy cranking out content and executing programs that we fail to step back and take a look at...

Is Your B2B Lead Database Like Your Attic?

Today, I received an email from LinkedIn informing me that 86 of my contacts have started something new (read changed jobs or titles). That's...

Treat Your Content with More Respect

This morning I attended a webinar by IDC, 2012 Sales Enablement Strategy: Content is King so Why Does Sales Feel Like a Jester?. Yep,...

Content Marketing is a Practice

I read an article yesterday that stated a few things I'd like to counter about content marketing. I disagree with the premise of the...

Marketing Content on a Mission

Last month, I led a Contagious Content pre-conference workshop at Marketing Profs B2B Forum. The marketers who attended were a great group - serious...

Instinctive and Structural Frameworks for Marketing

One of the biggest changes to B2B marketing is the evolution of skills needed to engage today's buyers of complex products and services. There...

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