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Adrian Swinscoe

Adrian Swinscoe
Adrian Swinscoe brings over 25 years experience to focusing on helping companies large and small develop and implement customer focused, sustainable growth strategies.

Shackled by the skills crunch, a fish (business) rots from the head down

Today I wanted to share with you a startling set of results that recently came out of the Institute of Directors (IoD) and a...

Blogging, business, outsourcing and other stuff – Interview with Chris Ducker of Virtual Business Lifestyle

Today is an exciting day as today is the next in the interview series and the first video interview of the series So, without...

By understanding their customer journey, Tesco’s iphone app will help them win more customers

I was watching the TV the other day and saw the following ad from Tesco's. It's part of a series of ads that follow...

Duncan Bannatyne and TripAdvisor’s boxing match

There's been a hilarious story floating around the UK media for the last couple of days about Duncan Bannatyne wigging out over a negative...

Is customer service bad in the UK and is it a class thing?

A shorter post today as I wanted to ask your advice and opinion on something. A couple of days ago I saw an article: Why...

I’m confused. Why do most CEOs not get employee engagement?

If we look at successful companies Zappos or Southwest Airlines in the USA or John Lewis and First Direct in the UK, to name...

TOMS Shoes and United Business Machines: Causes, customer retention and word of mouth marketing

I'm a great believer that businesses can be a force for good and that by giving back to your community or those in need...

Is your marketing sticky enough? – Interview with Grant Leboff

Podcast: Download (Duration: 29:55 — 34.2MB) Late last month, I wrote a post called Three strategic pillars for 2011, where I explained the different themes...

Customer Experience, Everything counts, Depeche Mode and Big Hair

Over the course of the last few years (some argue as many as the last ten years) there has been a revival of interest...

Giving your customers more choice is a good thing. Or is it?

When thinking about growing your business or developing your customer base, one of the most common strategies that companies employ in order to drive...

Could you use the idea of telephone trees in social media to drive your word of mouth?

I was watching a film that we received from Lovefilm the other day. The film was Milk, which is the story of Harvey Milk,...

Make it easy for your customers to give feedback or offer suggestions

This is something that I saw when Hana and I were out shopping the other day for food. Now, I applaud the different efforts...

Bet you don’t have a 2011 word of mouth marketing strategy

Right about now, if you are anything like me, you are using this time between Christmas and New Year to do some planning and...

What can UK businesses learn from US data about their customers?

Earlier this month, the Pew Internet Project, which is an initiative of the Pew Research Center in the USA, released a new report called:...

Why cruise holidays and social media are made for each other?

I had the opportunity to listen in to a webinar the other day that was hosted by the Institute of Customer Service. The webinar...

Customer service, flexibility and a disastrous situation

Today's post is about joined up thinking in customer service and it's impact on a disastrous situation. The post features a story that a...

How to move your business planning up a gear for 2011

It's getting to that time of the year when we are heading towards the Christmas and New Year period. If you are a retailer...

Are you turning your hunches into great ideas?

Remember the old saying? Two heads are better than one Well, recently, I watched an animated summary of Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven…

Is your brand like Brighton Rock?

Yesterday I caught up with Jim Prior of The Partners (http://www.the-partners.com/), who I was lucky enough to interview for RARE Business. We were chatting...

Back to the Future: The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Social #likeminds

Today is the one-year anniversary of this blog give or take a few days. Phew! That year flew by really quick. It’s been a huge...

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