What do you think? This is our first ever Sunday post. Do you like to read blogs on the weekend? Is Sunday morning a good time for an article?
For me, the readers of this blog are king (and queen). What you think matters to me. Use the comments to tell me what you think. We’ll continue or stop based on what you say.
It’s so simple, yet 98% of marketers miss it today. It results in a lost opportunity to build a solid relationship with a prospective customer. And if you are doing b2b lead generation, you can’t miss opportunities like this.
If you’re doing content marketing to generate sales leads, you undoubtedly have sign-up forms. Below is a typical sign-up form from a software firm. (Editor’s note: When will people learn that signup drop off precipitously once you go over 3-4 fields? If you need to generate marketing leads, be gentle.)
Once someone fills out the form, we typically email the content they requested and send them to a confirmation landing page. That page typically says something like:
“Thanks for requesting our white paper. It’s been emailed to you. If you don’t get it in a few minutes, please check your SPAM folder.”
That’s really boring. Why don’t we write something fun and inviting instead? For instance, for people who download the white paper How to Find New Customers from our website, are greeted with:
The information you requested is right now winging its way through cyberspace, making a beeline directly to your inbox – at least, it’s trying. Keep in mind, it’s a perilous dangerous journey fraught with SPAM filters and typos in email addresses. Wish it a safe journey.
If you don’t see it soon, please check your junk mail folder. It may have lost its way on its travels. But if it really got lost on the way, you can always ask us to resend it to you. Just send an email to sales at findnewcustomers.com.
Thanks for visiting Find New Customers, the business to business lead generation company.
Don’t forget our motto:
Always be helping. Who have you helped today? Asking nothing in return?
This message, I think, is fun and witty. It treats that white paper like a person embarking on a journey – and not as some dry academic exercise. As a result, prospects tend to stay awhile and download lots of content at Find New Customers. Isn’t that the way to build trust with a prospective customer?
What do you think? Have a hit on a hot button for you? We love comments and people who share on social networks.
Click to access the Focus Roundtable on B2B Lead Generation