Interesting little exchange with Ian Gotts from Nimbus (appropriate company name these days…) when I was pulling together a list of Cloud Vendors on Redux. I had a mental image of Ian waving furiously to attract my attention to the fact that they’ve been Cloud bound for 5 years or more but my argument back was that they’re a vendor “in” the Cloud, not a Cloud Vendor.
But then is there a difference ?
If you take the Wiki definition it states: “Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like the electricity grid.”
Well, hardly helpful given there’s something like 70+ vendors on the list I compiled yesterday. It seems everything that’s not on-premise is treated as Cloud, but is it “in the Cloud” or being provided by a Cloud Vendor ?
To me, a Cloud Vendor is someone who takes your on-premise infrastructure and removed the client-side nature entirely and hosts it. I countered to Ian saying if he could host my office’s Microsoft infrastructure for me and provide me a cloudy solution then I could include him, but is that wrong ?
Or are the lines between “in” and “out” as wooly as the Clouds themselves ?
You tell me….