Android or iOS App – How to Make the Right Choice for Your Startup?


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If your startup is about to develop a mobile application, one crucial decision you have to make is which platform to use. Should you go with Android or prefer iOS? Picking any one of these two platforms is not like deciding between tea and coffee. There are numerous factors you have to consider while making a decision.

Android or iOS platforms are utilized for developing native applications. The platforms are created for a particular device, i.e. Android is for android mobile phones and tablets, and iOS is for iPhones. Hence, Android applications do not work on iPhones and vice versa.

In this blog post, you will get insight into the Android and iOS platforms statistics; hence you can pick anyone to go ahead with for your startup. Let’s take a deep dive.

Android or iOS – Which one is the great platform?

Before getting into detail, let’s discuss why mobile app development is a good notion for startups. The following image demonstrates the number of smartphone users. You can get an indication of the sale of smartphones and hence envision the accomplishment of the mobile app development startup.

application development

Earlier, you had to start your laptop or desktop to get certain information. But, after the development of smartphones, you can avail online information at your fingertips. And very few folks might use social media platforms or online shopping apps on desktop or laptop. Your monotonous tasks such as shopping, online payment, entertainment, etc. can be done on smartphones through different available mobile applications. Therefore, the market for smartphone applications has been growing significantly. This is why you should start with mobile application development.

Statistical Comparison of Android and iOS

Android vs iOS – Market Share

Let’s start with the market share analysis of both platforms. Have a look at the below graph:
flutter for application development
The market share of Android and iOS is calculated in terms of overall customers on both platforms. From the above graph, it is evident Android has a higher market share than iOS. Some studies have also exposed that the android customers market has been growing 10 times the rate of market growth for iOS consumers. This means if 10 people are choosing an iPhone, it can be predicted that at the same time 100 folks are picking Android phones.

So, if we consider the above graph, the android platform can be the right choice for your startup.

Android vs iOS – Revenue Generated

The revenue generated may play a vital role in deciding a specific platform for developing apps. The following graph portrays the revenues of apps developed in Android and iOS.
android apps
A startup must base the platform decision based on the potential revenue they would be competent to create. While iOS has situated itself as the platform where companies prefer to make revenue, Android developers are rapidly covering up with their monetized applications. However, Play Store will still take up some time to reach the App Store level.
Android vs iOS- Retention ratio
The retention ratio of both platforms is illustrated in the below graphs:
android application development
ios application development

The retention ratio will give an exact analysis of the choice of mobile application development platform. The above study graphs elucidate that android customers stay faithful to the app download and installation as compared to iOS customers. Being a startup it is essential to make the right choice and build apps that embrace its consumers by providing a positive experience.

Are you confused and won’t be able to choose which platform to prioritize, here are some factors you should consider:

Where your spectators are

While stats demonstrate that Android is the most used mobile Operating System globally, do not think that all your customers are using a similar platform. You should classify where the bulk of your market exists. For instance, if your consumers are from the USA and Australia, go for iOS as it’s the most prevalent there. And if you want to target the spectators worldwide, pick Android.

Customer Demographics

Another crucial factor to contemplate is the age, budget, gender, etc. of the user. If you are targeting a young audience and want to develop entertainment applications, Android is the way to go. For creating professional apps, go for the iOS platform.

Revenue and Purchase

Your purpose in developing mobile applications is to monetize or earn good revenue. Android and iOS customers vary considerably in this area. iPhone users are more enthusiastic to spend on apps than Android customers. Individuals prefer free apps over paid ones. If you are planning to charge for download, the perfect mobile operating system is iOS.

However, if your monetization plan for your enterprise mobile app includes collecting revenue from in-app purchases and advertisements, go with Android. Android is the most prevalent platform universally with a large number of customers, but you are still assured to get substantial revenues.


Do you want to build a mobile app that can reach more diverse spectators? If so, android is a good option for you. But, if you wish to target a specific niche such as the banking sector and others, iOS will be your priority.

Security and Features

Android is open source and is more vulnerable to malware and pirate applications. However, iOS is a closed ecosystem and has a uniform standard. And if we talk about features, Android is more flexible. As it is open source, it is easy for you to customize the app.

Tablet Users Number

An application is also accessible through tablets along with smartphones. Accordingly, it is essential to consider tablet users for both operating systems. In this factor, the clear winner is Android as both mobile phones and tablets use a similar OS. However, iOS is limited only to Apple phones and for tablets, the iPad’s platform is utilized.

How Frequently OS Updates Occur

Constant maintenance of the application is vital to ensure its greater performance. Therefore, considering the frequency of OS updates for both platforms is necessary. Apple devices are onward in this factor because the iOS platform comes with automatic updates. A report says, more iOS consumers tend to update their phone OS as compared to Android customers.

Release Cycle

The Google Play Store app updates are generally restricted to the associated OEM devices and the operating system that smartphone support. iPhone and iPad users never face such issues as the App Store is more flexible.

Development Cost

Developing an application on iOS is easier, cheaper, and faster at the same time as compared to the Android platform. Yes, there are some austere App Store guidelines to contemplate, but it is still a better option than Android.


If you cannot decide between two. No worries. You can go ahead with both the platforms by choosing an emerging framework like Flutter. You can develop an effective and striking mobile application using this top cross-platform technology. Hiring flutter developers is a great idea to develop cost-effective cross-platform mobile applications.

Amit Dua
Amit is the Founder of Signity Solutions, Co-Founder of ValueAppz and Your Team in India. A tech-evangelist, he has an uncanny ability to synergize and build associations, thriving teams, and reputable clients.


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