A New Way to Approach Your Customer Care Principles in 2014


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There is some­thing sym­bolic about mov­ing from Decem­ber 31st to Jan­u­ary 1st; peo­ple feel inclined to vow for a bet­ter upcom­ing year. It’s a time to reflect and seek improve­ments. It feels like a fresh start. Per­son­ally and in busi­ness, the new year gives us a chance to recal­i­brate and set goals. If your busi­ness deals specif­i­cally with cus­tomer ser­vice, why not take this time to improve how you approach your cus­tomer care principles?

Instead of writ­ing out a list of res­o­lu­tions, exam­ine your cus­tomer care prin­ci­ples with a list of ques­tions. Below we’ve com­piled a list that will help get you started – we’re sure you’ll have your own ques­tions to add based on the unique­ness of your busi­ness and your company’s cus­tomer care principles.

Ques­tions to help you improve your inter­nal cus­tomer care principles

To start off, let’s look at your inter­nal poli­cies. How your com­pany is struc­tured, the work cul­ture, poli­cies, and train­ing all affect how your employ­ees treat each other, feel about their jobs, and ulti­mately, how they’ll treat your cus­tomers. The ques­tions below will serve as a use­ful guide to help you exam­ine your policies.

  1. Do you encour­age employ­ees to come up with work­place improve­ments? Do you give employ­ees a voice by offer­ing them chances to make sug­ges­tions? Do employ­ees feel “heard” at your com­pany, and do you com­mu­ni­cate to them that their opin­ion is valued?
  2. Do you have poli­cies that help employ­ees improve how they treat their col­leagues? Do you encour­age team build­ing and fos­ter a work envi­ron­ment based on col­lab­o­ra­tion and improvement?
  3. What does your com­pany excel at? What are you not good at doing? How can you improve and focus on your strengths?
  4. What dif­fer­en­ti­ates your com­pany from your com­peti­tors? How can you set your­self apart?
  5. Do you actively try to instill pride in your employ­ees for your brand, the work­place, and the inter­nal teams?
  6. What poli­cies stand in the way of deliv­er­ing world class cus­tomer ser­vice? Are there bar­ri­ers or obsta­cles that pre­vent you from treat­ing your cus­tomers the way you think they should be treated?

Ques­tions to help you improve your exter­nal cus­tomer care principles

Now let’s look at your exter­nal cus­tomer care prin­ci­ples. How can you improve the customer-facing interactions?

  1. Do you train your employ­ees soft skills? Do you only focus on the tech­ni­cal aspects of the job, or do you also allo­cate resources that train employ­ees on how to improve cus­tomer ser­vice, improve rela­tion­ships, and solve problems?
  2. How is your competition’s cus­tomer ser­vice dif­fer­ent from yours? Have you dili­gently stud­ied the way they treat cus­tomers and com­pared their meth­ods to yours?
  3. Do you actively seek out feed­back from your cus­tomers? Do you look for com­plaints as well as praise? Com­plaints are a great oppor­tu­nity to learn from your customers.
  4. What is your company’s pro­to­col for deal­ing with neg­a­tive cus­tomer expe­ri­ences? Do you debrief your team and take each expe­ri­ence as a learn­ing oppor­tu­nity to improve?
  5. What does the cus­tomer jour­ney map look like at your com­pany? Have you charted it out and looked at every cus­tomer touch­point and experience?

Revisit your cus­tomer care prin­ci­ples through­out the year

Writ­ing out ques­tions and exam­in­ing how well you’re doing with your cus­tomer care prin­ci­ples should be an ongo­ing process that you revisit through­out the year. Use Jan­u­ary to refine your ques­tions and set goals for each quar­ter. Empha­size both inter­nal and exter­nal poli­cies that will help improve the cus­tomer care prin­ci­ples you prac­tice. Take a new approach by ask­ing your­self the tough ques­tions – the reward is increased cus­tomer loy­alty and cus­tomer satisfaction.

Republished with author's permission from original post.

Jodi Beuder
We help organizations create a positive connection between customers and brands. We promote synergy through integration as it builds on the decades of collective history of renowned expertise. MHI Global is your comprehensive source for customer-management excellence solutions to compete in today's ever-changing, customer-centric environment.


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