With the digital marketing landscape undergoing rapid change, marketers need to stay on top of the current trends to achieve the greatest results. To help, we’ve compiled 6 digital marketing infographics that offer practical advice and best practices around topics such as the SoLoMo customer, email marketing, SEO strategies and more.
SoLoMo: A Profile of the Connected Customer
Parature’s infographic offers a brief look into the world and makeup of typical SoLoMo (Social, Local, Mobile) consumers, including what devices they shop with, what they expect from marketers, and what businesses are offering to this emerging demographic. What’s particularly interesting is the stat showing that SoLoMo customers participate in 63 percent more transactions, have 33 percent more repeat visits, and spend 3.5 times more annually than traditional shoppers. Talk about a valuable audience!
The Road to Rendering
Looking for a guide to help deliver complete, professional looking emails to your customers? This Litmus infographic shares some step-by-step factors that play into your email’s journey into the subscriber’s inbox.
The Offer They Can’t Refuse
For email marketing to be successful, there needs to be a clearly defined call-to-action. This infographic offers some do’s and don’t’s when it comes to designing your message to optimize response rates for your offers
How Do Colors Affect Purchase?
Retailers participate in a highly competitive market where every marketing decision makes a difference. Visual cues are arguably one of the most important factors; this infographic shows how colors affect shoppers’ buying and browsing decisions.
Bounce Rate Demystified
This infographic offers a visual representation of how industries can vary in average bounce rate. It also provides some tips on how you can move the needle in the right direction on your website’s pages.
SEO Periodic Table
This infographic puts an interesting twist on SEO, creating a table of elements to help you achieve success with ranking your site for search engines.
Digital marketing will continue to play a large role in marketing across industries as new technologies and channels emerge. Recognizing trends in usage and demographics, as well as understanding some fundamentals of marketing through digital channels, could provide huge results for campaigns. For marketers looking for success as digital expands, capitalizing on available information and analytics to deliver optimal messages and campaigns will be vital.