After searching far and wide for infographics I figured I would share some of the ones
I have come across that focus on social media and B2B. InsideView puts out infographics
on a regular basis, two are included in this post with more to come. These are my favorite
40 that cover Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and other social media trends and business related
Social Media Facts and Figures for B2B Sales
Social Media Spending
Sales Productivity Lost During the World Cup
Building a Company with Social Media
A Day in the Internet
Women In Social Media
Social Media In Business
Who Participates Online
Visualizing 6 Years of Facebook
Twitter Territory
The World Of Facebook
The Story (so far) of Twitter
The Social Media Effect
The Rise of Facebook Mobile: 2010
The Social Media Effect
The Life Cycle of a Blog Post
The Journey of a Tweet
The Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
The Evolution of Twitter: 2010
The Biggest Shift
Social Media Statistics
Social Media Addiction
Social Marketing Compass
Social Landscape
Profiles of a Twitter User
Popular Site Demographics
More Truth About Twitter
Make Social Media Work For Your Company
How The World Spends Its Time Online
How People Share Content on the Web
How Companies are Leveraging Social Media
How are Mobile Phones Changing Social Media
Gender Balance on Social Networking Sites
Facebook was a Country
Facebook Vs Twitter
Facebook Facts and Figures 2010
Conversation Prism
Breakdown of the Blogosphere
Balance Your Media Diet