What is mobile retailing, and how shopping from your smartphone will continue to grow


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Our younger generation is driving the eCommerce sales on mobile; here’s why

Mobile retailing is buying and selling goods or services via a smartphone or other mobile device. It’s been around for a while, but it’s continuing to grow in popularity as more people shift their shopping habits to smartphones and tablets. In this post, we’ll look at mobile retailing and how you can make the most of it in your business. Keep reading to learn more!

what is mobile retailing and how shopping
photo from canvapro

The use of mobile technologies, high connectivity, and contactless transactions have drastically changed how we shop. The iPhone is one example that provides new tools for shoppers with app options allowing them to make purchases on their phone while also collecting goods at home or stores like Amazon Dropbox, Homedepot store, or Walmart Pick-up service.

What is mobile retailing?

Mobile retailing is a new kind of consumer purchasing experience, where the customer buys by mobile phone and collections at home or store (pickup boutique). Conversely, e-retail can broadly be defined as selling goods & services to consumers over the internet B2C. Our study focuses on how Generation Y may challenge this group to be more consumption-oriented than previous ones.

The use of mobile shopping has been on the rise for years now. The main reason behind this increase may be that consumers want to save time, as they can order and receive their purchases right away instead of having them delivered or picked up at stores in person rather than waiting around until delivery schedules match what’s convenient for you – which often isn’t always possible with porch thieves or work travel. Another benefit of using smartphone apps while purchasing items online was getting valuable customer feedback immediately by utilizing just stars and prefilled service characteristics. This is valuable customer data you can use to drive delight into your experiences.

Benefits of mobile retailing for the customer

Saves Time

When Gen Y Customers were surveyed, they rated the top benefits of mobile retailing as convenient, fast, and easy; they specified their reasons compared to the traditional way of buying, where purchasing and consumption/collection were simultaneous. The first motivation is saving time, which male and female respondents have largely recognized. An explanation might lie in the value the interviewed range population gives to their time while acting as the first motivation pushing them to change their shopping behavior.

For illustration, we are using sample responses. When surveys, adult men between 25-35 describe the benefit of mobile retailing as

I like to buy my coffee using the mobile app and then pick it up at their collection point because I save time. This means you can go ahead instead of waiting in line, leaving room for other activities.


I love the idea of buying everything in one place without having to waste time going from store to store! Buying my groceries on my phone is so much easier and quicker than getting out all those individual items. There’s no need for me to get dressed, drive somewhere else just because they’re open late.

Increased certainty

With e-commerce, social selling, and influence marketing, many people have become more willing to buy online because they can see if their purchase is going directly from store shelves or being brought over on foot. The new mobile shopping landscape also forces retailers with free delivery policies when ordering greater amounts. You see this on many Shopify stores for clothing and home goods. Customers are happy, often perceived as saving money and having easy access anytime without too much extra hassle involved in getting what you need.

Descriptively Gen Y adults outline their customer journey:

I was waiting for the bus, and I found some products online that looked cool. But since it would cost more than just buying one product, my luck was good when they offered to deliver them at a discounted price! So now not only do you get your favorite lipstick, but it also saves money in this case too 🙂


I prefer buying by mobile phone and collecting at the store because I’m sure they cannot miss anything in my order. It is safer for me.


Another important reason for not making online purchases is that most interviewees live alone and work during the day, so they don’t have time to stay home when their item arrives. These scenarios are where general e-tailing isn’t a good option.

Online shopping is great for those who want to find exactly what they’re looking for without hassle or delay in getting it delivered. Online stores offer competitive prices and convenient delivery options, making them the perfect choice if you need your purchase now!

The findings show that this new way of buying can reduce consumer risks, encouraging them to adopt it further. It also explains why mobile marketing has not been widely used, despite its potential benefits, compared with traditional e-commerce platforms where trust plays an important role during transactions. Thus, findings further support the work of those who stated that the sense of trust might evolve as the context where the transaction takes place evolves.

As supportive statements show in this article, other respondents consider the new experience very convenient in terms of time and money. As anticipated by previous studies, convenience in terms of time-saving has become one of the drivers of consumers’ usage of mobile services, with emphasis on the retail industry.


We find that convenience and usefulness are the two most important factors in consumer attitudes towards mobile shopping. Usefulness drove positive outcomes; we capture the attitude in this sample statement.

I love when brands send me special offers by email or on my phone. It’s so easy to find something that suits whatever mood strikes!

The convenience of buying by mobile phone is something that many people enjoy. Buy from your favorite brands easily, quickly, and efficiently with store apps. You also get the bonus with influencer discounts collected at point-of-sale because both benefits come together for one great experience – online or offline, wherever there’s availability.

Mobile customer experiences that convert

Consumers have embraced technology and love it when the system suggestions come from their geographical position without needing to input queries or upload more information! The uptick in positive customer experience is because context-awareness helps make mobile apps successful. Of course, all these insights out mobile retailing help marketers understand the customer journey to tailor more personalized customer experiences, especially as they apply to retention and loyalty.


The importance of context-awareness for consumers is shown by how they appreciated the system suggestions based on their geographical position, without having to input queries or upload more information. Context-awareness can also be considered fundamental in developing a successful mobile app as it reveals that recommendations given through this type of personalized service do not involve any privacy concerns and often are accepted readily.

Recent returns for the context-aware feature are harder to get with new privacy rules from Apple and Google. Getting permission upfront, leveraging 1rst party data, and offering genuine experiences can still increase conversions with mobile retailing.

Ease of use

Similarly, the ease of use of the mobile app contributes to the perception of a positive consumer experience, following the previous studies on TAM for mobile marketing, which highlighted the importance of ease of use.

The ease of use of mobile shopping apps and purchase through social media contributes to the perception that it’s a positive consumer experience, following research on TAM mobile marketing.

Mobile shopping has become more popular as consumers are willing to adopt new technology. The reseach we found further explains how this consumer experience creates value for mobile users by saving them time and money and supporting their lifestyle with quality service offerings that act as drivers of change when it comes to consolidated purchasing behavior patterns at stores where they can avoid queuing up outside hours and in long lines to buy something small.

Online and mobile shopping differ not in the service but in how you experience that particular item. From a cognitive perspective, consumers find it more convenient to shop on their phones than having an actual storefront; this leads many people who would have otherwise never considered doing so to start purchasing goods from wherever they are when possible because of its convenience factor, which results out of preference instead due to consideration being given towards physical proximity at times determined by social media posts promoting brands’ products among other factors influencing our buying decisions regardless if we’re updating friends about what I got today or checking prices before

Similarly, the new consumption experience is perceived by consumers as

  • satisfying
  • convenient
  • easy
  • fast

So what does this mean for your business? Simply put, you’re missing out if you’re not catering to mobile shoppers. Fortunately, you can do a few things to make the most of mobile retailing. First, make sure to optimize your website for mobile browsing. Mobile browsing means using a responsive design that automatically adjusts to the screen size on which it’s being viewed. Second, create an app for your B2C business. Having both will allow customers to shop conveniently from their phones or tablets. And finally, offer special deals and discounts exclusively to mobile shoppers. By following these tips, you’ll be able to reach more customers and drive more sales through mobile retailing. Are you ready to take your business into the world of mobile retailing? Make sure you have your customer data in order! If you would like to talk more with one of our CX specialists, schedule a virtual meeting with VIEWN!

Areeya Lila
Areeya Lila has a passion for customer experience and over 20 years in technology. She's an entrepreneur who loves building products; currently, VIEWN enables eCommerce stores to provide the best possible shopping experience through artificial intelligence (AI) powered data analytics and customer personas.


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