Generating massive amounts of targeted traffic to your website is wonderful, but you need more than one-time visitors to create sustainable profitability. It’s actually more expensive and time-consuming to constantly generate one-time customers compared to getting repeat business. However, you might not know how to create returning customers.
Some businesses make it easy to get returning customers, but it’s not so easy with others. For example, if you run a popular fashion blog, people will naturally come back for more content. However, if you’re a plumber, people will likely only visit your website when they have a plumbing problem.
With the exception of plumbing and other services that don’t lend themselves to repeated website visits, here are several strategies you can use to generate repeat customers to your website.
1. Create irresistible, authoritative content
Certain brands have no problem generating returning visitors by publishing amazing content. This applies to businesses and individuals who are their own brand, like Seth Godin, for example. When brands publish amazing content, visitors can’t get enough, and will return just for the content.
Whether you’re selling products or services, your content has the power to bring people back to your website. While they’re browsing, they’re more likely to make another purchase or sign up for your email list, which is ideal when you want repeat customers.
No matter who you are or what you’re selling, irresistible, authoritative content is the key to generating return visitors who become repeat customers.
2. Collect email addresses
When your goal is to generate repeat customers, you need amazing content, but you also need to collect email addresses. In today’s busy world, most people will need to be prompted to come back to your website. Having an email list gives you the ability to communicate directly with your visitors and bring them back for more. For example, once someone makes a purchase, you can use email automation to encourage additional purchases. With segmentation, you’ll be able to deliver targeted email messages to your existing customers that will be more effective than, say, general emails sent to people who haven’t bought from you yet.
With an email list, you can devise all kinds of ways to bring people back. You can run contests, promotions, hand out discount codes, and more.
3. Amazing customer service
Hands down, amazing customer service is the best way to generate returning customers to your website for two reasons. First, when someone has a positive experience with your product or brand, they’re more likely to buy from you again. People enjoy experiences where they feel valued. The next time they need your product or service, they’ll be more likely to choose you over other options.
The other reason amazing customer service is the key to getting repeat customers is that many people talk about their positive experiences with customer service. Word of mouth is powerful, and hearing about great customer service will encourage others to buy from your brand. When those people experience the same level of amazing service, they’ll become repeat customers, too.
On the other hand, bad customer experiences can push people to your competitors even when your product is amazing. This is why amazing customer service is necessary even when you have a popular product.
4. Wonderful products that work as advertised
Even though a good product alone won’t generate return customers, it’s part of the equation. However, what people consider a wonderful product is closely tied to how it’s advertised. For instance, an amazing product won’t necessarily be seen as amazing if it doesn’t live up to its advertised uses.
When your product or service delivers on all promises, people will be more inclined to leave you positive reviews online. This is how you’ll generate new customers who will also become repeat customers once they also have their own positive experience.
To achieve this, advertise the features and benefits of your product realistically and don’t exaggerate or promise results that are the exception to the norm. Make sure people understand how your product or service should be used and have someone neutral review your ads to make sure you’re not making implied promises that will disappoint people when they receive your product or service.
Want repeat business? Double your efforts
If you want repeat business through your website, double your efforts to provide a top-notch product or service, and focus on creating satisfied customers. Once you have good content, a great product, and an excellent customer service team, you’ll start seeing the repeat business you desire.