You and I have opinions. We have favourite colours, favourite books, favourite actors.
We love the National Geographic Channel but don’t really understand the point of reality TV celebrities.
You and I like to talk. We tell each other about our favourite colours, the latest books we read, how The Empire Strikes Back will always be the best Star Wars movie.
You and I like to hang out with folks like us. We get excited when we’re around people that share our opinions and our passions. We light up when we’re with people who enjoy what we talk about.
You and I are people.
We laugh, we smile, we cry, we scream, we punch, we question, we wish, we high five, we love, we hate, we believe.
Companies that treat us like people will have more success engaging us and generating positive opinion.
Companies that treat us like machines will alienate us and generate negative opinion.
Companies that treat us like people will get us raving about them to our friends and family.
Companies that treat us like machines will get us to tell everyone we know how much we hate those companies.
You, as a brand, don’t need to “be more human” to do that. Heck, the very phrase counters itself – how do you actually be more human? Grow a third arm to back-slap more? Grow a second mouth to praise more? Grow another pair of ears to listen more?
So, no, you don’t need to be more human – you just need to treat people like, well, people. And guess what your company is already made up of?
Treat people like people and you’ll never go wrong. Treat people like machines and it’s game over.
image: Zoomar