[Source: Created by eSparkBiz and Team]
Most players in the corporate world today understand that to grow in this ever-evolving industry, they need to adopt the new technologies and innovations that come their way. Enterprise mobile application is one such tool available to them.
While the entire game of mobile enterprise applications is working towards our advantage, there is always potential that goes untapped.
Mobile application development companies have the expertise that can help you work well with your enterprise mobile app development, but in most cases, your understanding of the concept is crucial too.
To that effect, we bring you top nine tips to ensure that when you undertake enterprise mobile app development, you can use them for enhancing the results to your benefit:
1. Understand the Requirement of the Customers
As is with most technologies, there is a specific framework set in the mind of developers. Since this framework has been tried and tested in the past, they assume that it may work for customers of similar demographics.
While logically, it may seem like a more natural thing to do, but no company should start working without grasping the customer’s requirements. This creates a lot of back and forth in the later stage. Even the significant features of the app would sometimes need to be compromised due to the lack of an efficient R&D strategy.
Hence, we strongly recommend that robust research is a part of the plan in the initial stage itself. This helps to avoid any misunderstandings later. In a nutshell, do your homework well- so that all the development prospects of your project work out well.
2. Prioritize Stakeholder Management Before You Start
Any technical project needs to be spearheaded by experienced people. Any entity requires an expert to ensure that the app sees the light of the day.
While we are sure you have an entire team dedicated to taking care of the different functions and stages, we advise you to have a C-level individual as the principal supporter of your project.
Conventionally, this role is undertaken by the Chief Technology Officer; however, depending on the nature of the project, your primary stakeholder may belong to Marketing, Finance, or even Corporate Communications.
In our experience, we have also established that keeping your number of initial stakeholders limited would work to your advantage.
A large number of stakeholders will give you an app that has too many different issues and minds on it while only being able to manage a few functions efficiently.
To do this, draw out a list of every possible contributor to your project, but strike off the ones that do not have any significant contribution. You may find this process tedious, but it is crucial to keep too many cooks from spoiling the broth.
Also, while funds are essential to your app, they are not all that is required. Try weighing the efficiency of a stakeholder by seeing how much non-monetary contribution can he make to the app.
3. Keep Your Platform Evaluation and Your Target Audience in Tandem
A mobile enterprise app differs from conventional software. Even so, the approach used for results is not differentiated by many developers. It is crucial for you to first recognize one to two critical goals of developing an app.
You would then further need to identify the first useful features and stories which would help you define the core of your app. It will help you to know how much does it cost to make an app.
For this, we recommend you to adopt a Value Proposition Design approach. It would help you not only outline the goals and the setbacks but would give a direction to your project.
Whenever you feel like some feature is not in tandem with the audience you are targetting, then work towards removing that feature.
Before adopting any feature- ensure that it answers the following question, “What did we make this app for?”. Once it fits this framework, then it would become much easier for you to prioritize everything in terms of what your users would receive.
To narrow down this requirement, we would also recommend you to label down your platforms and figure out the kind of audience using it.
You can further consult a technical resource during the planning phase to ensure that the outline of the project drawn out meets these goals and would reach the right audience.
4. Use Sensors and Forms to Make the App Work Better
Technical advancement has taken over our age and how. Mobile devices are consistently evolving, and new user features are cropping up every other day. One such technology that has made the user experience a dream is the usage of forms and sensors.
A smartphone today can work on gestures. It uses different forms of technologies such as LTE, GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-fi. This has helped in enhancing communication between various applications.
You must have noticed that now you can connect a simple fitness app with a step tracker and all data will be reflected in both the apps you use. While these are the necessary sensors that we know, there are plenty of other ones available which have enhanced the mobile app realm.
One of the most common spaces where we see forms and sensors making a wave is with social platforms. You can easily upload pictures as soon as you click them in real-time. Try to include these forms and sensors while making your application to ensure a better user experience.
5. Set Your Goals and Define Your Success Criteria
For developers who want to ensure that their app gets a higher rate of approval, making success criteria is very important. Success criteria entail measurable outcomes that your project plan aims at producing.
In simpler words, these are the items that show the kind of impact your app will have on your customers, employees, and even the stakeholders will have.
This criterion needs to consist of goals which are made with the approval of the project sponsors. To make this a lot more efficient, you can put your focus on quantitative measures.
This will help you in keeping your app access as well as maintain it well in the long term. For instance, you can include actions such as different device types, user adoption, and even the app performance for better evaluation.
These measures can be subcomponents of your success criteria. However, we strongly recommend that you only include actions which can be tracked. This can help you see where do you lie in your performance scale and take improvement measures accordingly.
6. Give Special Attention to Your User Experience
User experience is the key to acing any mobile enterprise app. Do not just assume that your users are going to startle by the different features you put.
The Mobile App Development Company USA give special attention to this aspect and that’s why they have been successful over the years.
If you don’t put enough effort in making your user experience smooth and yet make it great, then users will stop using it without another thought.
If your user community is unhappy, then it would lead to conflict. This will result in an entirely negligible rate of interest- failing all the efforts you have made towards developing the app.
Additionally, the lack of success of an app may also reflect no effort put towards the design of the app. To ensure that your UI is excellent, start prototyping the designs in the starting phase itself.
Developing these prototypes will ensure that you are on the right path and you can make a mobile solution that your users will love.
If you are working with your employees, then you can also do better research by showing them the working models. Pay attention to their feedback.
This will help you make changes in the initial stage only and keep your critical project from falling in the hands of disaster.
7. Plan for Your Maintenance Needs in Advance
Whenever there is a tech innovation in the picture, we end up paying attention to the sophisticated features and sideline other things.
For example, a maintenance budget is often ignored. However, an experienced manager will ensure that a budget for training needs and maintenance is in place right since the beginning.
This needs to be included in your operational costs and cannot be treated otherwise. Your leadership needs to be made aware of the total costs involved so that in case of a downfall later, your funds are ready.
While it may seem like you, don’t have enough confidence in your app, but actually, this will help in recognizing the enhancements and the changes.
It is a known fact that browser software and device software is consistently changing. Only, for this reason, you would need to keep a budget aside for support software and ongoing updates as well.
This will also help in better user engagement, a higher overall rate of interest, and even long term success for your app.
8. Explore Internal Marketing for Making It Sell Better
There is a set framework for a marketing approach that people adopt. When you launch a modern looking application in your internal app store, you first need to follow through by making a strong selling strategy.
You would need to sell a mobile enterprise app to employees. If these consist of millennials, then you have a more difficult task at your hand.
Hence, adopting a slightly different approach to marketing will surely help. The best way to market your app is by leveraging internal specialists.
You can get people from human resources, communication, marketing, or even campaign specialists to ensure that they make strategies that resonate with your employees.
They can help in making a focussed campaign which shows you the pathway to multiple channels and also helps in promoting the key benefits of your app.
9. See If Real-Time Framework Suits Your Needs
As we have mentioned above, real-time implementation is changing the game of the app industry. Every individual is trying to get some of the other forms of the real-time system involved so that data processing becomes much more comfortable.
In this digital age, reliable connectivity is also helping in ensuring a stable performance for real-time users. Our connections now come with different packets- so that even if one fails, the other makes up for it. It is the best way to ensure that no data is lost in case the connection fails.
So, for mobile enterprise apps, the work done is getting easy to leverage. Hence, more and more companies are hiring app developers who understand how their overall business works more efficiently.
This helps them in providing responsiveness to the different functions of the app; which is essentially the core principle of real-time working. Additionally, this kind of integration has also worked wonders for different customer relationship management systems.
It is making inventory systems better and even the management of logistics easier. Hence, if your app can work with real-time features; if the nature of your concept allows it, then we strongly recommend you find ways to integrate it.
What is important to consider here is that the Fortune 500 has established mobile devices as an essential tool required for establishing your work goals. As we know, enterprise mobile helps not only in fostering innovation but also is an excellent way to work towards employee loyalty and better productivity.
While you definitely can embrace a mobile-first strategy, you would need to keep in mind that the tips mentioned above are what are going to help you in making it a success. Just having sponsorship and a simple project plan does not suffice.
Many mobile enterprise apps do not see the light of the day because their project plan renders inadequate. They fail because there is no active organizational approach backing them. They are sometimes not even made to work well with the system.
Hence, an honest assessment of where you stand will help you in making a successful app. Additionally, you would also be able to find a direction in which you can include the tips mentioned above to help you at every stage.