With the amount of time, resources and budget devoted to lead generation at B2B organizations nationwide, combined with the pressure sellers are facing to hit their numbers in a continued challenging market, these survey results are scary.
In a nutshell, InsideSales.com and Omniture submitted themselves as a lead through the Web sites of 700 companies. Here’s a sample of what they found:
- Only 4.6 percent of the businesses used a strategy involving both phone and email
- Less than 5 percent called within 24 hours
- 19 hours, 31 minutes was the average sales response time by email
- 36 hours, 57 minutes was the average sales response time by phone
- 45.2% of companies sales teams never responded at all
These weren’t white paper downloads or Webinar registrations. These were requests for information. These, at minimum, should be considered warm leads by most organizations.
And yet, less than five percent heard anything back after 24 hours. And almost half of the leads never received a response at all.
These figures clearly don’t take into account pre-planned variances in how companies handle, score and possibly automate lead response. But not even an email response a day later? No response at all for half of those leads?
Please tell me this isn’t you.