Looking to improve and change you organization? Waiting for external factors to do it for you?
You can stop waiting right now.
As the 14th Dalai Lama wisely put it: “True change comes from within. Leave the outside as it is”.
Change is the only real constant. It will eventually happen to your organization too, be it in the form of a better service or product, or in the form of another corporation competing with you.
The best way to effectively deal with change – is to embrace change.
But organizations, and indeed human beings, usually resist change. We all favor a state of equilibrium (also known in biology as “homeostasis”). This is the main reason a new, bold idea usually stirs up the pot and is followed by those 3 typical reactions:
- It’s impossible.
- OK it’s possible but not worth it.
- It was a good idea all along.
So how can an organization minimize its innate resistance to change, AND improve its processes, products and services at the same time? How does one make the shift from surviving to thriving?
Welcome to the world of innovation management.
It’s not new that organizations which do not innovate grind to a halt. Thus one must be proactive if one wishes to perform in an ever-changing business environment.
Remember the good ‘ole employee suggestion boxes? Those dwindling cubes which almost begs employees for new suggestions?
Research indicates they are far from being effective, with an average of only 10% adoption rates. The average suggestion system gets roughly 0.5 ideas per employee per year – hardly an effective way of using your employees’ innate knowledge to improve the organization.
So what if you could eliminate all 4 innovation obstacles?
- Risk-averse business culture.
- Long development time-scales.
- Difficulty selecting best ideas.
- Unsuccessful performance measurement.
In today’s competitive high-performance business landscape, cultivating an innovation ecosystem is a crucial operational necessity. That’s why 90% of leading global organizations already understand the importance of using an idea and innovation management platform, to overcome business challenges.
However, for every innovation software success story – there are also examples of failure. Why? Because while innovation solutions may look the same, they are certainly not created equal.
In order to go to distance, you need an innovation management platform which is robust enough to support a full range of innovation processes. A cutting-edge technology innovation platform, which unlike other pre-programmed off-the-shelf software, can easily be configured to each customer’s unique needs, internal processes and organizational culture.
Such ideation systems use best practices from every industry and geography, to help your company achieve its objectives. Modern idea management tools are designed to embrace the unexpected, and thus each solution is scalable and adapted to any development on the journey to enterprise innovation.
An innovation system can be continuously reconfigured to withstand disruptive forces, and help you maintain a competitive edge.
Whether you need to achieve disruptive innovation through groundbreaking ideas; boost your internal process excellence program through digital transformation; or simply crowd source valuable insights directly from your employees and customers – ideation software can certainly help your organization transform ideas into business results, and avoid sinking into a static state.