How to become a STAR Sales Leader


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In this episode of the Sales Leadership Awakening Podcast, Margo Edris, Regional VP of Sales at Salesforce, shares insights on sales leadership and discusses topics such as handling challenges gracefully, preparing for coaching, and integrating fun into the workplace. She also provides valuable advice for women in male-dominated industries and stresses authentic interactions for success.

“You have to just lead with your authentic self and bring the best version of yourself to every interaction in order to achieve success.” – Margo Edris

Key Takeaways:

  • Thorough preparation is crucial for successful coaching conversations and customer interactions.
  • Utilize tools like Slack to communicate and collaborate with team members in preparation for meetings.
  • Time management is essential for finding time to prepare. Use calendars to work backwards from customer interactions and schedule dedicated preparation time.
  • Authenticity is key in coaching. Sales leaders should bring their unique selves to every interaction and connect with others personally.
  • Each individual has their own approach to coaching. Leading authentically and finding a style that works for you is important.
The interactive podbook below contains videos, audio, articles, summaries, transcripts, and YouTube shorts from this podcast episode.

Full Episode Article:

Title: How to become a STAR Sales Leader

Byline: From an interview with sales leadership and coaching experts Colleen Stanley and Steven Rosen, along with their guest speaker Margo Edris, Regional VP of Sales for Salesforce


Sales leadership is a dynamic and challenging role that requires a unique set of skills and qualities. In this thought leadership article, we will explore Margo Edris, Regional Vice President of Sales at Salesforce, ‘s insights on how to bridge the knowing-doing gap in sales leadership. By examining her experiences and strategies, we can gain valuable lessons on effective leadership and creating a positive and productive work environment.

Mastering Composure and Navigating Challenges with Ease

One of the key awakening moments for Margo as a sales leader was when she faced resistance from a team member during a meeting. Instead of reacting impulsively, she took a deep breath and remained composed, addressing the issue after the call. This ability to stay calm and composed in challenging situations is crucial for effective leadership.

Margo attributes her ability to remain calm to the resilience she learned from her parents, both in sales careers. Growing up, she witnessed the ups and downs of their profession and learned the importance of perseverance. This upbringing instilled in her the belief that remaining composed and level-headed is essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

The moment highlighted the importance of recovering and overcoming difficult situations. After the incident, she contacted a mentor who had previously managed the team and sought advice on handling the situation. This proactive approach helped her address the issue and demonstrated her willingness to learn and grow as a leader.

Elevating Workplace Culture with Fun and Creativity

Margo understands the significance of maintaining a positive and enjoyable work environment. Despite the demanding nature of the sales industry, she emphasizes the importance of hitting the “fun quota” to boost motivation and productivity. One strategy she implemented was assigning theme songs to closed deals. Each team member would choose a song that represented their energy and motivation during the sales process, and the entire team would celebrate the success by listening to the chosen song together.

In addition to theme songs, she introduced the first Rocky Mountain Red Carpet Awards ceremony, a virtual event recognizing and celebrating the team’s achievements. This event acknowledged individual and team accomplishments and fostered a sense of camaraderie and excitement within the sales team.

She creates an environment where team members feel motivated and engaged by incorporating fun and creativity into the workplace. This approach enhances job satisfaction and improves overall performance and collaboration.

Adapting Communication Styles for Effective Leadership

Margo has learned to adapt her communication style to different audiences as a female leader in a male-dominated industry. She recognizes the differences between male and female communication patterns and leverages this understanding to enhance her interactions with colleagues and clients.

Margo acknowledges that women tend to use a larger number of words when communicating compared to men. When she is the only woman in a meeting with predominantly male participants, she consciously keeps her ideas concise and to the point. This situational awareness allows her ideas to be better received and perceived by the audience.

However, she also believes that being a woman in a male-dominated industry can be a competitive differentiator. She encourages other women to embrace their unique perspectives and experiences, which can bring fresh insights and ideas. Women can excel in sales leadership by leveraging their strengths and finding common ground with their colleagues.


Margo’s insights provide valuable lessons for bridging the knowing-doing gap in sales leadership. By remaining calm and composed in challenging situations, leaders can effectively navigate obstacles and maintain a positive work environment. Incorporating fun and creativity into the workplace boosts motivation and productivity while adapting communication styles to different audiences enhances understanding and collaboration.

As sales leaders, continuously learning and growing is essential, as well as seeking guidance from mentors and embracing unique perspectives. By adopting these strategies, leaders can bridge the knowing and doing gap, inspire their teams, and succeed in the ever-evolving sales landscape.

Republished with author's permission from original post.

Colleen Stanley
Colleen Stanley is president of SalesLeadership, Inc. a business development consulting firm specializing in sales and sales management training. The company provides programs in prospecting, referral strategies, consultative sales training, sales management training, emotional intelligence and hiring/selection. She is the author of two books, Emotional Intelligence For Sales Success, now published in six languages, and author of Growing Great Sales Teams.


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