There are a few business books I find myself going back to over and over. I’ve just added a new one to my library that I know will be one of those books – The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence, by Tom Peters.
The 163 ways to pursue excellence are presented in bite-sized nuggets (thank God) that I’ve found to inspire new ways of looking at things. Sometimes I’ll find a sentence in the book that launches my thinking in ten different directions. Other times I’ll read a section of the book and want to slap myself for not thinking of it on my own. But one of the signs of a useful book, in my opinion, is one that highlights gaps in my thinking.
Tom’s writing style is fun. He sometimes uses a small font size and sometimes uses a A LARGE BOLD FONT IN ALL CAPS. Some of his paragraphs are just two words. And he clearly isn’t worried about offending anyone. Agree or disagree, he refreshingly says what he thinks.
If you’re looking for a book to give you the dose of inspiration you’re in need of, or will challenge your organization’s thinking, check out The Little Big Things.