Benefits of PWAs for Small Businesses


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The world is becoming digital, and that’s why having a website is not enough. People love to access the majority of things on the go via web apps and mobile apps.

Moreover, web apps allow businesses to reach a wider audience and increase their sales.

Various startups and SMEs spend a lot of time searching for the best web app ideas. After finding a decent web app idea, their purpose is to make their business successful.

Hence, they are looking forward to new technology that can help them to provide a better user experience and enhance their presence online.

To achieve these things, Google had already introduced a technology known as PWA (Progressive Web Apps) back in 2015. Small to big companies worldwide were impressed with PWAs. They started launching PWAs in 2017.

If you want to enhance your business, then you should also opt for progressive web apps. Why?

The reason is, PWA offers a vast number of benefits to small businesses. Here we will discuss all these benefits in detail.

But before that, let’s get through the basics. What is a progressive web app?

PWA is an app built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but offers the same look & feel as a native app.

In simple words, PWA is an app that runs in a browser and looks like a website without any need to install from app stores.

After understanding PWA, let us quickly discuss how businesses can benefit from PWAs.

Top Benefits Progressive Web Apps Offer to Small Businesses

Here is the list of advantages PWA can provide to startups & SMEs:

Obtain More Returning Visitors

Ensuring that people remember your brand is one of the toughest tasks in the online world. Moreover, with a limited marketing budget, it’s harder. Also, having them return to your website is challenging.

At the initial stage, a user visits your website and installs your PWA when they understand that your site is enough. Further, when your PWA is on the home screen, it becomes simple for users to get reminded of your business any time they unlock the device.

Engage Users Even without a Network

The majority of the native apps require a constant internet connection. While PWAs can function even without the absence of an internet connection.

Due to this, users can interact with the web app without an internet connection and get a better experience in all types of network conditions.

Ensure Automatic Content Update

One of the major advantages of the PWA is to provide real-time updated content to the end-users. This thing is highly beneficial for the eCommerce businesses where content gets updated every now & then.

As all the things are in sync with the database; hence, users get updated information each time they launch the web application.

Create More Brand Awareness

PWAs can enhance your search presence (SEO). PWAs are still web pages, and hence they can be easily indexed by the leading search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, as compared to the native apps that only have a place on the app stores.

Progressive web apps allow users to keep their logo on the home screen of the device. This helps businesses in getting brand visibility and also increasing awareness among the customers.

Besides this, startups and SMEs can also take advantage of the specific splash screen and full-screen experiences offered by the PWAs.

Combine the Power of Mobile Apps and Websites

PWA can integrate the best of both mobile apps and websites. The PWA technology extracts the best things from websites and mobile apps and provides a solution for SMEs to initiate business and take it forward.

PWA obtains the following features from websites:

  • Quick Browser access
  • Loading in real-time
  • Indexing from Google and Link redirection

PWA obtains the following features from web apps:

  • Push notifications
  • Offline mode
  • Full-screen feature

Generate New Leads

Various businesses find it challenging to obtain precise details about the things going on in the customer’s mind.

Using PWA, you will get various insights into the customers’ requirements. The instant a customer installs the app you see what they are going to do. Hence, you can send them the most recent products & services via instant notification. This is possible depending on the total number of visits, pages visited, and customer’s location.

The lead refining procedure in PWA is quick and direct; hence, the entire sales & marketing team can put their effort in one direction.

No Dependency on App Stores

In the case of native apps, you have to follow the guidelines offered by a particular app store and publish the app accordingly. Meanwhile, you might face various rejections if the app is not proper.

When you choose PWA, you don’t need to rely on any of the app stores. You can publish it as soon as it is ready. People can search for your PWA like a website and use it at their convenience.

Lower Development Cost & Simple Maintenance

PWA is highly affordable for startups and businesses that want to make a mobile presence. The reason is, the development & maintenance cost of PWA is lower compared to the native apps.

If you want to develop a native app, you require two development teams to look after the development & maintenance of the app. When you choose PWA, you only need one development team which looks after the entire app. The reason is, PWA requires a single codebase for both platforms.

Hence, PWA has a lower cost for development, and maintenance is easy.

Final Words

Now you must have understood the benefits of PWAs for small businesses.

If you want to get the above benefits for your business, you should opt for PWA. If you already have a website, then migrate it to PWA.

Before making a progressive web app, you should understand the requirements of your target audience and the latest trends.

When you develop the app as per the current market scenario and target audience needs, your PWA will become successful quickly.


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