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Richard Ruff

Richard Ruff
For more than 30 years Richard Ruff has worked with the Fortune 1000 to craft sales training programs that make a difference. Working with market leaders Dick has learned that today's great sales force significantly differs from yesterday. So, Sales Momentum offers firms effective sales training programs affordably priced. Dick is the co-author of Parlez-Vous Business, to help sales people have smart business conversations with customers, and the Sales Training Connection.

Sales calls – 7 tips for call planning – An STC Classic

Although sales people may not do it as often as they should, most would rally around the notion that call planning is a good...

Sales performance – practice doesn’t make perfect

After lunch at our favor Chinese restaurant yesterday, my fortune cookie reminded  that continued success would be ours if we remembered that – “practice...

Sales managers and the “mini-me” syndrome

I was talking with a new B2B sales manager about sales coaching. She was a super star as a sales rep and promoted to...

Sales management across generations – similarities not differences

There has been much written and many perceptions about Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y – what they want and how to manage...

The missing link between product launches and sales success

Each year companies develop and launch a dazzling array of new products. Some are modifications or minor upgrades of last year’s offerings. Others are...

Statements inform – questions persuade – A sales tip

Looking back through the history of sales, there has been an over abundance of myths, magic tricks and other forms of ancient folklore that...

It’s okay for salespeople to say no and to disagree

Sales success tends to be built on a foundation of saying “yes” to customers in order to garner those initial sales.  But as a...

Team selling – lone wolfs no longer reign supreme

Team selling continues to be on the rise. We’ve heard this from clients and colleagues – and now from the research front. According to...

Sales managers – expectations and accountability

Too often sales managers – and for that matter other managers – think what needs to be done is intuitive – so of course...

Sales managers – underestimating the power of words

When salespeople get promoted to a sales manager position there are many traps to avoid and new things to learn from: analyzing CRM data,...

Inside sales – 3 research findings for improving B2B performance

Recently we published a blog on the emerging importance of inside sales in the B2B market. As noted in that blog, this trend...

Sell the problem first!

To be a top performer in major account sales, you have to master many core skills and competencies. You must be accomplished with...

Inside sales – it is a new dawn and sales training needs to shine

When it comes to inside sales, put aside old visions of airplane hanger-size room filled with lots of salespeople making lots of sales calls...

Sales coaching and the high potential sales rep – An STC Classic

From time to time, either by thoughtful action or good fortune, every manager gets some – they wish they had more – and they're...

4 sources for identifying leads in complex B2B sales

Professional services firms, like management consulting, financial services, and information technology, are involved in complex projects that engage large on-site staff over an extended...

6 key questions for understanding a sales decision network

In B2B sales – you're not selling to an individual, you're selling to multiple people – a network. In any significant purchase many people are...

Improve sales training – flip it

Recently we came across an article about an innovation in our public schools that is getting a lot of buzz – Flipping. The idea is...

Sales managers – and the smartest person in the room dilemma

There's little doubt that sales managers are the pivotal job for creating a superior sales team. And, a critical responsibility for the sales...

3 myths to debunk about opening sales calls

It does not take long to open a sales call, but how you start often determines how you finish. So, salespeople should plan how...

Sales paradox – sales reps don’t use stuff that works – An STC Classic

Each year companies spend a lot of time, money, and effort implementing sales training and sales coaching efforts to help their sales team learn...

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