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Maz Iqbal

Maz Iqbal
Experienced management consultant and customer strategist who has been grappling with 'customer-centric business' since early 1999.

The customer loyalty riddle (part I)

Customer loyalty: a riddle without a solution? As far as I can tell guru's have been promising nirvana – revenue growth, profit growth, higher profit...

Want to prosper in the ‘age of the customer’? Here’s the formula you’ve been looking for

Some of the people who listen to my speaking have been kind enough to tell me that my posts are too long and can...

Do you know the difference between good strategy and bad strategy? (Part III – failing to face the problem)

Hallmark of a bad strategy: failing to face the problem This post follows on from the previous two posts. In the first post (of...

Klassic Books: an excellent example of how not to write an email requesting help

You might have guessed this and if you have not then I can tell you that I am a prolific reader. As such...

Global: what does the Voice of the Insurance Customer tell us about customer needs and behaviour?

Ernst & Young have issued a report titled "Voice of the Customer, Time for Insurers to Rethink Their Relationships 2012?. This report is...

Everything I have learned about business, customer-centricity, customer experience and life

Whenever I struggled with a Physics problem my professor (a wise man) instructed me to go back to the fundamentals: the fundamental principles of...

Customer Experience tale: how humanity and inhumanity shows up and the impact it makes

Whilst some of you loved my last post, some of you found it a little too philosophical. "Look Maz, we live in...

Customer Experience: are you sitting at the right table?

The politics of experience: burn this quote into your heart/mind "We cannot be deceived. Men can and do destroy the humanity of other men,...

Do you know the difference between a good strategy and a bad strategy? (Part II – Fluff)

This post follows on and expands on the discussion started in the previous post: Do you know the difference between a good strategy...

Want to get value out of your data and analytics investment? Then deal with this issue before you buy...

'Rationals', data and the wonders of analytics I think I have said this before and I will say it again: my fascination is with us...

14 Customer Experience lessons: how you can improve the customer experience and help yourself

What makes a great customer experience – the kind that one remembers, talks about and possibly writes about? The logical answer is...

Do you know the difference between a good strategy and a bad strategy? (Part I)

"All too much of what is put forward as strategy is not. The basic problem is confusion between strategy and strategic goals." Richard...

How to generate that elusive emotional connection between your brand and your customers: Sainsbury’s shows the way

Warning This post is NOT for novices. If you are novice then I suggest you not read any further as you will not get...

An opportunity for Amazon to improve and get more customers?

Amazon is a great company We all know or should know that when it comes to customer-centricity (as embodied by the products, the shopping experience,...

Customer-Centricity: a lesson or two on what it takes to influence change

My situation and my experience (as lived) Unless there is some unforseen dramatic change I am going to be popping pills in the morning to...

Three reasons why converting data into valuable business results is no picnic!

Nancy Porte knows what she is talking about I have been reading a PR release on the latest Verint-Vovici voice of the customer survey. ...

How USEFUL are you to your customers?

Take a look at your business through SD Logic If you use the Service Dominant Logic lens (as opposed to a good dominant logic) it...

My Apple Customer Experience: how it turned sour and why I am not buying Apple products

Let's set the context for this conversation Before I dive into the heart of this post it is important that I take the time to...

What flavour of customer-centricity are you practicising?

Customer-Centricity: we are great at lying to ourselves If there is one facet of 'customer-centricity' and the 'outside in' approach that I find striking it...

Leadership: does it start with ownership?

What constitutes leadership and makes a good leader? Let me start by saying that I am no expert in 'Leadership'. Yes, I have read...

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