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Keith Schorah

Keith Schorah
Keith Schorah founded SynGro, a leading Voice of the Customer (VoC) company in 2004, following a distinguished career in sales and marketing within the IT, telecommunications and industrial sectors, and a long consulting background of designing and implementing customer service programmes in companies around the world. SynGro is focused on the enterprise sector of the Voice of the Customer market where its skills in integrating VOC information with client data such as financials and CRM have been paramount to its success.

Why Voice of the Customer is Vital for Commercial Survival

Since the advent of the Global Banking Crisis the economic landscape has changed almost beyond recognition. Market volatility has become the norm with an...

Becoming Customer Centric is about People Inside your Organisation

The vast majority of organisations realise the importance of listening to their customers. Many have programs in place to increase customer interaction and improve...

The right information to the right people at the right time

A recent article in 'Business Insider', 'Four Customer Service Lessons from Steve Jobs' Outbox', reminded me of one of our posts from June, where...

Voice of the Customer trends for 2011 – Part 3

"Embracing the VoC will make the difference between success and failure for many organizations over the coming years." Gartner 2010 In this post we outline...

VoC trends for 2011 – Part 2

"VoC-focused technologies will become critical investment areas for many organizations during the next five years." Gartner 2010 This is the second of three posts...

Embrace the Voice of the Customer! Top VoC Trends for 2011

"Embracing the VoC will make the difference between success and failure for many organizations over the coming years." Gartner 2010 It is widely acknowledged that…

Voice of the Customer – Make sure it’s one of your New Year Resolutions!

The ever growing importance of Voice of the Customer programmes is among the eleven key trends identified by Mark Johnson, CEO for Loyalty 360,...

Acting on customer insight for the ultimate customer experience

Research Magazine published an interesting article in this month's issue about 'How customer insight drives customer experience'. The article lists the top ten UK...

Customer Service horror stories? There’s still a month ’til Halloween!

To continue on the theme of our last blog on employee empowerment, I read a great post today on cnet.com entitled ‘An AT&T customer...

Are your employees customer service super-heroes? They could be if you’d let them!

‘Empowered Employees Are the Best Customer Heroes’ is the title of a recent article on 1 to 1 Media. An interesting read, this article...

Banking on good customer service? Metro Bank is!

Can a bank compete on customer service alone? That’s what Metro Bank are pinning their business model on, with their slogan ‘Love your bank...

Telecoms leaving customer satisfaction on hold?

A recent blog post by the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) entitled ‘Poor complaints processes and customer loyalty in the telecoms sector’ struck a...

Customer service? I wouldn’t bank on it!

The Daily Mail yesterday reported that ‘Britain’s biggest High Street banks have been swamped by a staggering 11,000 complaints a day from angry customers’. Staggering...

Customer Satisfaction Scores – more than a metric?

There have been several blog postings recently which discuss the importance of treating customer satisfaction scores as more than a simple metric such as...

Market Research – Is it everyone’s responsibility?

Historically the focus for market researchers carrying out customer surveys has primarily been to generate data that can be analysed at a later date....

Customer engagement: the CEO you should be!

Further to my last post about how different types of CEO’s view customer engagement, and in particular how they handle customer complaints, here I...

Customer engagement: what kind of CEO are you?

An interesting story surfaced recently regarding AT&T threatening a customer with legal action after emailing the CEO twice complaining about the company’s pricing structures....

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