Home Authors Posts by Graham Hill

Graham Hill

Graham Hill (Dr G)
Business Troubleshooter | Questioning | Thoughtful | Industrious | Opinions my own | Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/grahamhill/

“Presentation Zen”: The Best Business Book This Year!

Wow. We are only just into April and already I have identified the best business book of the year: Garr Reynolds 'Presentation Zen'. How...

Marketers Are From Mars, Customers Are From Venus!

The original title of the book this blog alludes to is 'Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus'. The book provides practical advice...

Are Marketing Vendors Really Customer-Centric?

My reading pile grows with every day. On it currently are books by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff entitled 'The Groundswell', from Charles Leadbetter...

Does Customer Experience Management Really Work?

Everybody is talking about Customer Experience Management (CEM). Go to a customer-related conference and half of the speakers will be talking about it. But...

Is Talk of “Relationships” Confusing to Customers?

Relationships are wonderful things. In a competitive-collaborative way, they really do make the world go round. And as visitors to this portal know better...

Want To Learn About Customer-Centricity?

Want to learn about customer-centricity? Then go back to school. At least go to Instituto Impresa Business School's Building the Customer Centric Organization...

Since When Has It Been OK To Spy On Your Staff?

It's a simple question: "Since when has it been OK to spy on your staff?". I mean with hidden cameras in the workplace, with...

The Secret Battle Between Customers and Profits

"Customers versus profits". Now there's a headline to grab your attention. But this isn't anything new. The balance between giving customers what they want...

Will the Beijing Olympics Damage Its Sponsors’ Reputation?

The ancient Olympic Games were founded in Greece in BC 776 as a sporting competition between the city states of ancient Greece. The modern...

The Growing Split in CRM. And How To Heal It

A few months back I wrote a post called What Exactly is CRM?. It generated a great deal of discussion within the CustomerThink...

Differentiate Your Customer Experience, or Die

Jack Trout is well known to all of us involved in traditional marketing. His book, "Differentiate or Die" describes how the failure to differentiate...

Using CRM to Win in a Recession

Depending upon whose economic statistics you look at, the USA is either just entering a recession or about to. And when the USA sneezes...

Internet Bank Egg Fires 161,000 Customers!

A story is breaking in the UK around internet bank Egg and its credit card business. According to the BBC, Egg has given 161,000,...

What Should You Do? Experience the Brand or Brand the Experience ?

Life is all about change. And business life is no different. In the beginning we had CRM which was all about extracting profits by...

Who Comes First? Customers or Employees?

Most advanced economies generate the majority of their GDP from services; more than 70% in most OECD countries. In every industry, from telesales to...

Is It Time To Measure Employee Lifetime Value?

There is lots of talk about turning employees into anbassadors. But how do you know whether they are successful? And more to the point....

Turning Value on Its Head: The Active, Networked Individuals Are the Ones to Watch

Business is a lot like the natural sciences. Not in its use of the scientific method—that would be too much to hope for—but, rather,...

More Than Just Marketing on Social Steroids

Much of the current interest in social marketing is as a way to infect social networks with company messages. Getting your customers to do...

What Is Social Marketing All About? You Tell Us

About a year ago, just over 100 authors got together to write a collaborative book , Age of Conversation, about marketing in a socially...

Can Governments Be Trusted With OUR Data?

I called my bank the other day to pay a bill. Having answered various security questions, the first options avialable to me on the...

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