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Gegham Azatyan

Gegham Azatyan
I am Gegham Azatyan, co-founder of Dexatel, an award-winning personalized cloud communications platform (CPaaS) launched in 2015. We bootstrapped from scratch to become one of Europe’s fastest-growing companies, serving thousands of small businesses and the world’s largest enterprises. My journey from scientist to entrepreneur, investor, and tech advocate has been fueled by curiosity and vision. With a Ph.D. in history shaping my worldview, I approach communications with a unique perspective, particularly on creating seamless customer journeys for clients and partners.

Laying the Groundwork: How a Customer-First Strategy and CPaaS Can Transform Your Business

In today's competitive landscape, a customer-first strategy isn't just a nice-to-have—it's as essential as the foundation of a house. Without it, everything else is...

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