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Ed Hadley

Ed Hadley
Ed Hadley is a B2B marketer with a decade of high tech experience. He is currently Senior Marketing Manager at Neolane, where he spearheads the conversational marketing technology provider's content creation efforts. Previously, Ed held marketing positions with Netage Solutions and PAN Communications.

Real-Time Interaction Management: 9 Alternatives to Pure Offers

In a recent report entitled "Use Customer Analytics To Get Personal," Forrester Research writes that the goal of effective personalization should be to "anticipate...

Multi-Touch Attribution for B2B Marketing: The Sophos Model

If you're a B2B marketer, you've likely dealt with multi-touch attribution at some point. With a long, complex sales cycle, it can be...

Behavioral Personalization and the Art of Distinguishing Intent from Incident

According to Forrester Research, "The dominant CCCM challenge in the next two years will be to personalize messages based on consumer behavior across...

5 Digital Marketing Myths Debunked

In today's shifting digital landscape, a number of "myths" have emerged that are causing marketers to scratch their heads. To set the record straight,...

Email Marketing and Data Hygiene: 5 Questions with FreshAddress

It's not surprising that "big data" has taken the marketing community by storm. The more marketers can understand about customer needs and behavior...

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