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Colin Shaw

Colin Shaw
Colin is an original pioneer of Customer Experience. LinkedIn has recognized Colin as one of the ‘World's Top 150 Business Influencers’ Colin is an official LinkedIn "Top Voice", with over 280,000 followers & 80,000 subscribed to his newsletter 'Why Customers Buy'. Colin's consulting company Beyond Philosophy, was recognized by the Financial Times as ‘one of the leading consultancies’. Colin is the co-host of the highly successful Intuitive Customer podcast, which is rated in the top 2% of podcasts.

Which Organizations Are Setting the Standard on Employee Engagement?

Julian Richer, founder of Richer Sounds, the largest independent HiFi and TV store in the UK, recently set the bar extremely for C-level suite...

The Customer Flight Experience

About time! Was my reaction when the European Aviation Safety Agency (Easa) joined the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the US by approving the...

The Dream Team: The Influence of Savants on Business Today

This is the fourth and final post I will be publishing based on the research by Don Fornes, founder and CEO at Software Advice,...

It’s a Wonderful Life: The Movie That Predicts The Future Of Banking Success

Will we ever be able to trust banks again? With the holidays approaching and with it will be the return of my favorite film...

Need An Expert? Google Can Help Out

Google have just launched a new service where this can happen. Google Help Outs. The service offers experts at the end of a Google...

The Dream Team: What Would You Say To Your Mirror Today?

This is a continuation of the blog I posted last week following research by Don Fornes, founder and CEO at Software Advice, who wrote...

Blockbuster: The Next Cautionary Tale

Blockbuster is shutting down their remaining US stores. This signals the end of the large chain video stores. If ever there was an example...

5 Considerations for your Customer Rewards Programs

Some loyalty for brands is deeply ingrained into customers. Like people who will drive across town to a certain Starbucks because Monique, their barista-spouse...

The Dream Team: Are You a Giver?

Are you happy at work? Honestly, my hope is that your answer is yes, but I am realistic enough to know that for many of...

The latest Social Media Gaffes: What Were They Thinking?

Recently I read about two big social media gaffes that could only go into my "what were they thinking?" file. The irony is they...

Culture Collaboration: The 4 Critical Elements To Consider

As Capitol Hill deliberates the future of socialized medicine here in the States, health care is on my mind today. In particular, I...

Consumer Behavior: Has American Express Given Up On Mobile Payments?

Our smartphones have become an extension of our hand. Look around next time you are lined up waiting anywhere and just note how many...

What the English Taught Us About Obamacare

A couple of weeks ago, the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare went live in the US. I am watching this roll...

Guinness: Being ‘Made of More’ With Your Brand

I like to drink a "pint with my chums", or a "beer with the guys", whichever side of the pond I am on at...

Are You Being Disruptive?

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. This is a phrase I often use with my clients. I am in the...

Starbucks: Real Concern or Just Good Marketing?

I like Starbucks. I like the coffee and I admire their Customer Experience and marketing. It is therefore with interest that I saw...

Reaching the 5 Types of M Shoppers

The other day I was with my wife looking at an entertainment center at a big box store. As you know, the prices are...

Home Depot: Difficulty Finding a Good Tradesman? Not Anymore!

I hate DIY. I don't have enough time to do it well and the reality is I am not very good at it. On...

Dress For Success: The White Lab Coat Effect and the Subconscious Experience

How we and things look has an incredible impact on how we react and how we behave? Indeed, it has been proven to even...

Ryanair: The Start of the Decline?

I hate Ryanair. Apparently, according to the New York Times, I am not alone. Many people hate Ryanair. Enough that the shareholders in the...

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