4 Email Marketing Tips to Close Out the Year with a Bang


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picture of young man working on computer reading holiday email marketing tips
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Running a holiday email marketing campaign isn’t that hard – but you have to get all your ducks in a row. Here are four email tips to create a more effective campaign and boost your sales during the peak shopping season.

Online shoppers broke records in 2022. They spent $9.12 billion on Black Friday 2022 and a few days later, $11.2 billion on Cyber Monday. However, there’s still time to make big sales, and email is the best way to do that.

Here are four holiday email marketing tips so you can close out the year with a bang.

1. Get rid of the damaging emails

One of the best email marketing tips anytime is to get rid of the obsolete and harmful contacts on your list. Data will degrade, and all email databases are going to have email addresses that go bad. Aside from that, some emails were never good to begin with.

Getting rid of bad email addresses will help your email deliverability to improve. Email deliverability is the metric that shows how many of your emails reach the inbox. When your email deliverability goes up, your ROI will too.

Another reason to get rid of invalid or damaging emails is that email marketing services charge you based on the number of emails in your database. Keeping low-quality email addresses on your list is simply a waste of resources. You won’t make sales, and there is a lot of damage that can result in poor engagement and inbox reach.

How do you verify emails?

Find a good email validation service and check your entire list with it. It will identify low-quality contacts so you can remove them and help your emails reach the inbox.

Prevent low-quality emails from finding their way on your list

One pro-tip is to keep invalid or low-quality email addresses off your list to begin with. “A quality email validation service allows you to use an API and have every contact checked in real time, says ZeroBounce Chief Operating Officer Brian Minick. “You can connect the API on any forms that someone can enter an email address. It will stop them if they try to enter a disposable or temporary email. What if they make a typo? The real-time email verifier prompts them to make a correction. Setting up an API is easy and saves you a lot of hassle,” the email expert adds.

2. Try a new approach with your email content

Sometimes, all your email marketing needs is a little adjustment, so don’t be afraid to try something new. You never know until you experiment and may enjoy an uptick in conversions.

If you always send html emails with graphics, maybe try sending one using plain text? It could also be beneficial to try a different length or tone. If your emails are always from you or someone else at your company, maybe a guest can “take over” for one issue.

“At Flic Email, we experiment with emails of different lengths and found that there’s no one size fits all,” says the company’s Founder, Vicky Smith. “It depends so much on the type of campaign you’re running and what your end goal is. For nurture campaigns – like a welcome email series – some people may prefer longer emails that go into details about your product. However, for a direct marketing campaign, where you’re offering a discount, you may want to keep your emails shorter,” Smith adds.

3. Find the best time to send your emails

Conceptualizing and creating emails is a lot of work, and it’s a shame to not make the most of your efforts. As the year comes to an end, it’s useful to identify when your emails are the most effective.

Find the ideal day of the week by looking at your click rates. For many businesses, the best days to send are Tuesday and Thursday. On the other hand, certain industries enjoy great engagement on the weekend. Which day of the week makes the most sense for your audience?

“Next, you can even finetune the time of day. “Once you know the day and time that works best for you, stay on schedule,” says Carla Andre-Brown from Mailbird. “Sending your emails on the same day of the week or month will go a long way in boosting your engagement and email deliverability,” adds Andre-Brown.

Remember that the only way to reach your customers is if you land in the inbox. Sending on a set schedule is characteristic of legitimate email senders, so it builds your sender reputation – which means more emails in the inbox.

4. Make sure your emails land in the inbox

If you’re ready to take your email marketing to the next level, you can use tools to ensure your emails have the best shot of going to the inbox. Find out whether your emails are setup correctly by using an inbox tester.

An inbox tester lets you see what your email placement is like with the biggest mailbox providers in the world. If your emails go to spam or end up all together missing, you can make the necessary adjustments to get those emails hitting the inbox.

If you want to end the year with even more success, testing tools can make all the difference. Without high deliverability, you cannot have success with email.

Always measure your email marketing success

There’s still time to kick your email marketing up a notch, but always keep in mind that there’s a new year ahead. Think of all the possibilities and try to keep an optimistic mindset. Also, take a close look at what worked this year. Keep doing those things and improve upon them.

Try not to cling to any ideas that don’t work. Drop the things that aren’t effective and maximize the things that make a difference.

Liviu Tanase
Liviu Tanase is the founder and CEO of email validation, deliverability, and email finding company ZeroBounce. As a serial entrepreneur, he founded five companies and has participated in three exits creating quadruple-digit returns. Liviu writes about digital marketing and technology, focusing on email communication. His goal is to help make email marketing work for your business.


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