162 Brands Use Social Media for Marketing


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The variety of social media delivery mechanisms is increasing in leaps and bounds-Social Networking, Corporate Blogging, Online videos, Facebook Fan pages, Widgets, Microblogging, Twittering, Second Life, YouTube and Flickr are being used for marketing, branding and consumer engagement.

In this context, Peter Kim’s 162 brands using social media for marketing makes an interesting reference list.

Also worth reading:
An insider’s guide to using Flickr for marketing.

Vandana Ahuja, PhD.
Amity Business School
Dr. Vandana Ahuja has over 21 years of experience across the corporate sector and academia. She is the author of the book on Digital Marketing - published by Oxford University Press. She is a Professor with Amity Business School and has several years of research experience across the domains of Digital Marketing, CRM and Social Media Marketing. She is an expert in the usage of Digital and Social Media platforms across diverse industry verticals.


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