Pipeliner CRM Launches Voyager AI Gen II


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Enhanced AI Assistant Tool Streamlines Customer Interactions for CRM Users

LOS ANGELES – Pipeliner CRM, the leading sales enablement tool and CRM software, announced the launch of Voyager AI Gen II which will iteratively add new features such as Voyager Summary, Voyager Sentiment, Voyager Recommend, Voyager Score, and Voyager Key Account Assistant.

Initially released in 2018 Pipeliner Voyager AI Gen I, was a groundbreaking feature that uses intelligent algorithms to analyze customer data and provide sales teams with valuable insights, actionable recommendations, and early warnings about sales opportunities. Gen II will include current AI and AI-enhanced capabilities within Pipeliner CRM, as well as the following new features: 

Voyager Summary

At a glance, sales professionals, managers, support, customer success, and other team members can review and summarize customer/prospective customer interactions to ensure everyone is always on the same page.

Voyager Sentiment

Analyze and interpret the emotions or sentiments expressed in customer interactions and communications to gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction and account health and inform customer service strategies and sales tactics.

Voyager Recommend

Leverage AI to collect your Pipeliner CRM customer data, such as purchase history, customer interactions, support tickets, and behavioral data, to better identify product/service upsell and cross-sell opportunities. 

Voyager Score

Analyze large volumes of data on lead behavior, engagement and demographics to prioritize prospects most likely to result in sales. The leads scores will update dynamically whenever new or relevant data is added, so the sales team always knows where to focus.

Voyager Key Account Assistant

Intelligently monitor individual accounts to track news, announcements, departures, social media and other relevant sources of information. Sales professionals can always know what is happening on a broad level with their customers and immediately see where opportunities are for increased relationship building and revenue growth.

“Pipeliner is the only CRM built specifically for Sales and will continue to lead the market in leveraging AI to help sales teams,” says Nikolaus Kimla, Pipeliner’s CEO. “The latest trends in AI can be overwhelming, however, we focus on the applicability, utility, and direct impact these capabilities provide to users. Our mission is to deliver the best AI-enabled Sales CRM possible, we carefully assess how any new capabilities will improve or enhance the day-to-day experience for sales professionals, and the same goes for the new features we’re rolling out in Voyager AI Gen II.”

Being innovative and pioneering is embedded deep in the DNA of Pipeliner as demonstrated by the different ways Pipeliner has revolutionized the CRM industry and changed the perception of what users demand of a modern system. This is underlined by the fact that Pipeliner CRM is built on the latest technologies and is constantly future-proofing the system. Pipeliner will, therefore, continue to be at the vanguard of AI innovation for Sales CRM. Voyager AI Gen II will continue to evolve and deliver even more advanced AI features as Pipeliner explores how Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and other AI-related technologies can be leveraged to support sales.

Pipeliner’s CRM platform is designed to allow the salesperson to stay within the CRM environment to successfully handle all aspects of the sales cycle, saving them both from the hassle and distraction of switching between solutions. The result is reduced TCO, shrinking the need for other third-party applications.

For more information about Voyager AI Gen II, visit https://www.pipelinersales.com/pipeliner-voyager-ai-gen-ii/. For more on Pipeliner CRM software, please visit Pipelinersales.com or get a 14-day free trial.

About Pipeliner CRM

Pipeliner CRM is elevating the perception and performance of the sales position. It begins by disrupting the CRM marketplace, leveraging the latest technology that quickly integrates with all other systems seamlessly, thereby minimizing costs and risks. Pipeliner adopts a unique approach to traditional CRM platforms by leveraging instant, dynamic visualization that drives rapid adoption rates and supreme user experiences. Its online and offline iOS and Android mobile apps address the largest audience possible and provide CRM functionality on the go.

Pipeliner is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, please engage with us on FacebookLinkedIn, and @PipelinerCRM or visit us at PipelinerCRM.com

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