Increased Lead Nurturing Drives 400% increase in Market2Lead System Usage


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Marketing Automation Users find Value in Reaching out to Existing Contacts

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — June 09, 2009 — As the current recession strengthened, users of marketing automation software increased lead nurturing activities designed to sell products and services to existing contacts. That’s the main finding of research into usage statistics conducted by Market2Lead, a leading provider of marketing automation software and services. The company reported that prospect responses for all customers increased by 400% between April 2008 and April 2009. In addition, overall usage of Market2Lead’s on-demand software by its existing customers increased by 90 percent in 2008 and much of that increase appeared to be related to increases in lead nurturing, rather than lead generation activities.

“In times of shrinking budgets, marketers find it’s less expensive to nurture prospects who are already in their databases than it is to attract new prospects,” said Market2Lead CMO Kevin Joyce. “And the ROI on lead nurturing is much higher as well, because you’re marketing to people who already know you. Ramping up lead nurturing in lieu of some lead generation programs makes a lot of sense in today’s economy, especially for companies that have access to marketing automation software like Market2Lead.”

When Market2Lead recently studied statistics regarding the use of its software by marketers, it learned that the average number of responses per person peaked when the economy had its high point this decade, in September/October 2007. This may be a reflection of increased interest by prospects as well as increased lead nurturing by vendors. The number of repeat responses as a percentage of all responses, continued to increase throughout the recession. This suggests that vendors have been conducting more lead nurturing programs with their databases of prospects and creating more repeated responses, rather than creating new first-time responses from new contacts.

“The increase in the number of responses per person and the increase in the overall number of repeat responses in the last year are a clear signs of a shift to more lead nurturing campaigns and the effectiveness of our customers’ lead nurturing activities,” Joyce said.

About Market2Lead
Market2Lead Inc. is a leading provider of marketing automation software and services that generate sales leads as well as automate lead nurturing, creating effective campaigns that help companies close more sales. Market2Lead’s lead generation software accelerates lead generation and revenue growth by enabling marketers to effectively nurture leads through the sales cycle and to contact, cultivate and close more business. The company’s automated marketing system and services enable leading enterprises to progressively gather deeper insight into individuals, their needs and their purchase intentions through automated lead generation, scoring and nurturing and to use this information to guide automated marketing campaigns. Market2Lead is a privately held company headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif. For more information, visit
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Editors: This news release is available online at
News Release.
A high-resolution graph showing the increase in prospect responses is available at
Lead Nurturing.

For additional information:

Jay Farlow
Total Marketing Concepts, Inc.
(732) 747-5786 ext. 375
[email protected]

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