Home Authors Posts by Kitty Radcliff

Kitty Radcliff

Kitty Radcliff
Kitty serves as the senior client service contact for assigned customer feedback engagements, with an emphasis on industry knowledge, research expertise and creation of valuable insights. She plays an active role with clients from the program design stage through project implementation, and into post-project activities.

Changed Priorities Ahead

My husband took this picture on a recent trip to England. The sign provides advance notice that the road has changed priorities ahead....

Keeping Front & Center

A group of customer strategists recently considered various ways to keep an established customer experience program visible. All of their programs are fairly...

Be in a Relationship

Usually when we think of relationships, we think of having a connection with another person. Relationships are so important that Facebook profiles indicate...

Process for Action

How does your company operate? Are you "winging it" or do you have a plan and a process to get things done? According...

A “Two-by-Four Moment”

Have you ever had a two-by-four moment? By that, I mean an "a-ha" experience. It's like someone hit you with a two-by-four and all...

Using customer feedback – it’s logical

Customer Loyalty programs uncover insights about the health of customer relationships, and they can even provide sales leads to generate additional business. Recently...

Customer Loyalty Badge … for cookies?

I love Trefoils. Thin Mints are a close second (and apparently the top seller nationwide). Every year my family looks forward to Girl Scout...

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