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Colin Shaw

Colin Shaw
Colin is an original pioneer of Customer Experience. LinkedIn has recognized Colin as one of the ‘World's Top 150 Business Influencers’ Colin is an official LinkedIn "Top Voice", with over 280,000 followers & 80,000 subscribed to his newsletter 'Why Customers Buy'. Colin's consulting company Beyond Philosophy, was recognized by the Financial Times as ‘one of the leading consultancies’. Colin is the co-host of the highly successful Intuitive Customer podcast, which is rated in the top 2% of podcasts.

What the Best Companies Do That Yours Doesn’t!

Many companies seeking to improve their Customer Experience (CX) understand the importance of putting the customer at the center of everything they do. Doing...

Make It Happen! Keep Your Holiday Shoppers Coming Back

It’s mid-November, and that means retailers’ annual holiday promotions are reaching a fever pitch. Discount department store Kohl’s will kick off Black Friday at 5...

Revealed! The Business Skill Most People Don’t Have

After my wife Lorraine and I ordered dinner in a restaurant the other night, I decided to have a glass of wine. Now, where...

It’s Essential: Understand Your Customer’s Habits!

We all have habits, good and bad. Few of us remember how they formed. Few of us know how to change them—especially those bad ones....

Worried? Is Your Contact Center Failing You?

Contact centers are often the communications lifeblood of a business. It’s where clients get the opportunity to talk to a ‘real person’, whether it’s...

Exploit Your Customer’s Senses!

Imagine you are in the waiting room at your dentist. You’ve had a pain twingeing at your back tooth for a few days now...

Millennials Still Shop In Stores, But Are They in Yours?

If you were to guess whether Millennials prefer to buy online (on their phones) or in brick-and-mortar stores, what would you guess? No Googling,...

How To Use Your Customer’s Emotions to Get What You Want

Theory is one thing. Implementation is another. Ideas are useless if you can’t apply them. The idea I often share is that customer emotions influence...

The 3 Trends Customer Experience Professionals Can’t Afford to Ignore

As a Customer Experience professional, understanding three trends today is imperative. Without accepting these tenets, you are thwarting your success before you even begin....

Be Warned: You Can’t Rely On Big Data!

I’ve been reading about Big Data’s foray into “Journey Analytics.” Journey analyticsseeks to improve customer experience by collecting data at each point on a customer’s...

Unbelievable: Latest Airline Fiasco!

RyanAir, Europe’s largest airline, in my view are the epitome of a poor Customer Experience. Over the last few days, they have proven this...

Revealed: Why We Don’t Like Extremes

When you are making decisions, you carefully consider all the facts and factors that present in a logical and orderly process, right? Not so...

Beware! Don’t Make These Mistakes When Measuring Success

When you are improving your Customer Experience (CX), measuring your progress is crucial.  Measurement tells you what you are doing right and, perhaps more...

Unbelievable! Walmart Shopping Just Got Better!

Walmart is debuting a towering new kiosk that makes it easier to pick up online orders in your local Walmart store. Early reviews of Walmart’s...

Remarkable! What Invisible Influence Controls Your Behavior?

Why did you buy the shirt you are wearing today? What about the car you drive, how did you choose it? Why did you...

Exposed: How To Measure Your Customer’s Loyalty and CX

Many organizations measure their Customer Experience (CX) in the wrong way. Chances are, you are too. So, what is it? How are you inadvertently...

The New Essential Business Skill: Storytelling

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that “storytelling” has become a hot marketing buzzword. Branding agencies and consultants are embracing the notion that storytelling...

Unbelievable! Does Car Buying HAVE To Be SO Bad?

So a couple of months ago, Lorraine and I headed out to our local Jeep dealership. And thus began an excellent case study in...

Revealed: How To Make Loyalty Easy

Taking care of your best customers is an age-old concept. It has lasted all these years because it works. Loyalty programs are one of...

Are you Competition Obsessed?

If you haven’t read Jeff Bezos’ latest letter to his shareholders, put it on your to-do list pronto. There are many takeaways from his letter, but...

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