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Colin Shaw

Colin Shaw
Colin is an original pioneer of Customer Experience. LinkedIn has recognized Colin as one of the ‘World's Top 150 Business Influencers’ Colin is an official LinkedIn "Top Voice", with over 280,000 followers & 80,000 subscribed to his newsletter 'Why Customers Buy'. Colin's consulting company Beyond Philosophy, was recognized by the Financial Times as ‘one of the leading consultancies’. Colin is the co-host of the highly successful Intuitive Customer podcast, which is rated in the top 2% of podcasts.

Have Apple created too much expectation?

When the new iphone 5 came out the Jimmy Kimmel Live show took an iPhone 4s out onto the streets and told people it...

The secret of a great Customer Experience – Apple case study

We all know about the phenomenon that is Apple. But what is their secret? Well, I am pleased to report it is what we...

RIP Customer Experience – Seven reasons why Customer Experience is in danger of dying

I am becoming increasingly concerned that the focus on improving the 'Customer Experience' is heading the same way as CRM, into failure. I fear...

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts – a key to Customer retention

As I travelled to the Olympic Park to see the Paralympic games, I was reading an article in the Economist about the patent wars...

When friends are too much like hard work: An insight on Customer retention

We have some friends who only call us when they want something. Lorraine (my wife) and I were discussing this the other day. We have...

Customer Journey mapping: Starting with the end in mind

As I mentioned in my last blog Stephen Covey heavily influenced my thinking and I have used his principles for years. One of Covey's...

Building an emotional bank account to improve customer retention

I had the great honor of meeting and presenting on the same stage as Steven Covey on a few occasions. It was with great...

The most common mistake of a Customer Experience change and how to overcome it

I was once called into see a new client who had a problem they wanted to discuss: "We undertook research about 18 months ago...

10 Practical ideas to get the Senior Executive’s closer to the Customer

I recently wrote a blog on the 5 ways to gain Senior Executive 'buy in' to your Customer Experience. Since then I have been...

More Social Influence equals a better Customer Experience

I was very interested to see that organizations are starting to provide a better Customer Experience to those people have more social influence. You...

5 ways to gain Senior Executive ‘buy in’ to your Customer Experience

One of the key questions I am always asked is 'How do you gain senior management buy in'? Given I have been dealing with...

How to build Emotions into Customer Journey Mapping

For ten years Beyond Philosophy has been advocating that emotions account for over half of a Customer Experience. We are very pleased that this...

Business Ethics continue to decay?

I believe business is at a turning point and this will affect the way organizations have to deal with the Customer Experience. Let me...

Seven secrets of how to manage your Customer Experience

I bear the scars. In my last role in corporate life, some ten years ago, I was asked by the CEO to 'Improve the...

5 key aspects of a successful Customer Experience program

I am often asked 'what are the key aspects of a successful CE program'? Despite writing four books on Customer Experience I don't...

Why are Telecoms so bad at Customer Experience?

We recently conducted global research of over 40 telecoms companies globally and one question proved to be the 'killer' question. We asked Customer Experience...

How to overcome organizational silos – Customer Experience Councils

We all know a lack of coordination between an organization's departments can be one of the key factors in causing a poor Customer Experience....

How understanding Customer behaviour can improve Customer retention

Recently I received a call I was dreading. My daughter called us in our home in Sarasota, FL, to say that our pet dog...

Five Insights on How to Build a Customer-Centric Organization

Changing a culture takes time. When I first started Beyond Philosophy some ten years ago, one of my first clients was Yorkshire Water, a...

When will I see the results of my Customer Experience program?

When we start working with a client to improve their Customer Experience I am often asked 'How long will it be before we see...

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