The Golden Circle Shows You How Great Leaders Connect with Users


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I love this TED talk and invite you to watch it, it’s only about 20 min long. This shows you on how great leaders inspire action and what makes people buy your products.

The key points are don’t tell people your title, or your company’s title, tell them what you do. tell them what problems you solve and why you do it – what is the purpose of your organization.

  1. Why – the core of your beliefs, your inner drive to work to achieve remarkable results
  2. How – how your product or service solves problems
  3. What – basic definition

The golden circle is rooted in biology, not psychology. Biologically people respond to the why, not the what. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”.

I do what I do because it makes a significant difference in peoples lives, it’s very transformative and I love being part of that.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Republished with author's permission from original post.

Cayley Vos
Cayley Vos is the owner of Netpaths and has developed websites, from concept to on-line deployment, since 1997. His grasp of internet capabilities is reinforced by 15 years of computer experience. Cayley has an especially effective ability to explain to clients a project's technical design requirements and potential technical solutions in readily understandable terms. Expert in search engine optimization and obtaining top placement in Google and other major search engines.


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