I love Jack Daniel’s whiskey! I don’t just like Jack Daniel’s whiskey, I love it! Now, I’ll be completely honest with you. I am not a big drinker. I only drink on weekends… and, during the week! Seriously, if I’m at a social event where adult beverages are being served and they don’t serve Jack Daniel’s whiskey, I usually just get a glass of club soda.
I have not always been a super loyal fan. I have always thought Jack Daniel’s was good whiskey. But, something changed. They didn’t change the price or the product or their quirky advertising pitch. They changed the experience! But, I am getting way ahead of myself.
A few years ago a friend recommended me to be a member of the Tennessee Squire Association; it’s kind of a Jack Daniel’s fan club. A few weeks later I received in the mail an impressive certificate plus an actual deed to part of the Jack Daniel Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee. I assumed it might be a piece of land the size of a postage stamp and dismissed it as a very clever marketing ploy. That is, until I received a K-1 to attach to my income tax return indicating I had a loss of 29 cents due to flood damage on my ‘property’ in Lynchburg.
Then, I began getting letters from folks who lived in Lynchburg, like I was a real neighbor. There was one from a fellow who ran the local hardware store wanting to take horseweed worms from my property to use as fish bait. The County Executive of Moore County, Tennessee wrote me requesting an easement across my property so locals could take a shortcut past the distillery to reach Spencer Hole, a popular recreation area. My favorite came from a guy trying to raise a herd of Black Angus cows. He kept getting calves with white faces; he claimed he spotted a white-faced bull on my property and wrote me for ideas on how to correct the situation.
I am pretty sure I was a part of the taste test for Gentleman Jack, a new brand for Jack Daniel’s they brought out several years ago. Before it was on the shelves everywhere, the liquor store owner nearby gave me a taste and wrote down my comments. Jack Daniel Distillery once wrote me to request I write my congressman to influence a particular piece of legislation they were trying to get passed. I’ve gotten calendars, coasters, and catalogs for ordering JD paraphernalia.
What is it that Jack Daniel Distillery is doing to stir my ardor and other customers like me? What principles are they employing to turn satisfaction into loyalty and loyalty into advocacy? Five key factors are constantly at play in their management of the customer experience–they listen, include, teach, protect and surprise!
They Listen
Jack Daniel Distillery seemed to use the liquor store owner and staff to get feedback…up close and personal; and, without any defensiveness. The company also sponsors Jack Daniel’s tail gate parties at major athletic events–sort of the JD version of Harley-Davidson’s HOG (Harley Owner’s Group) gatherings—as a chance for fans of Jack Daniel’s to assemble for fun and camaraderie. The company communicates the details on their website and uses these “snack with Jack” type gatherings as a chance to build customer advocacy, introduce new products, and gather feedback.
Lydia, the sales clerk where I buy Jack Daniel’s, is always asking me about my devotion to Jack Daniels as she suggests new ways to use the beloved sour mash whiskey. She’s always telling me little tidbits about the Jack Daniel’s brand–like, did I know that the founder, Jack Daniel, created a musical band to draw people to Lynchburg, TN and to his two saloons, the White Rabbit and the Red Dog.
They Include
When Jack Daniel Distillery invited me to write my congressmen, they used inclusion as a customer advocacy strategy. Advocacy toward an organization can ratchet up dramatically when customers get an opportunity to put some “skin in the game.” One time they asked those of us who are Tennessee Squires to vote on-line on whether we thought Moore County, TN (the county in with the distillery is located) should be wet or dry. Now, it was not a real vote since most Squires don’t live in the Lynchburg area. But, it sure made us feel like we do!
Another time they asked all the Tennessee Squires who lived in the State of Texas to vote on whether we thought the Jack Daniel’s race car that would be running in the Texas 500 in November should be painted red, white or blue (we picked red). Again, the act of reaching out to solicit participation…even if symbolic and on-line…makes customers feel like true owners.
They Teach
Jack Daniel Distillery uses its colorful website and mailings to teach customers everything from “How to sip Jack” to “Recipes with Jack” to “How they actually make Old Number 7.” There are great stories about the iron-free water used to make Jack Daniel’s coming from a nearby cave, or how they make the charcoal filtered taste by pouring the sour mash through ten feet of coal from a burned stack of sugar maple trees grown nearby.
One of their best selling items is their collection of unique cookbooks. I like the barbecue cookbook the best. I found in it a “Little Bubba’s sauce” which is perfect for barbecuing venison. I even learned about a recipe for cooking chicken-fried beaver and roast possum. Organizations able to implant wisdom into the customer’s experience will turn customers into advocates.
They Protect
Jack Daniel’s puts great emphasis on building trust in their product and brand. They look for ways to protect customers from anxiety and uncertainty. Log on to jackdaniels.com and your first step will be to type in your birthday to access the site. The first words you read once you enter their website read: “Your friends at Jack Daniel remind you to drink responsibly.”
The Jack Daniel’s on-line store carries the warning, “This special collection of Jack Daniel’s goods is intended for adults of legal drinking age.” Jack Daniel Distillery knows that trust in the eyes of customers is a moving target—a verb, not a noun—and must be regained and reaffirmed with each new experience. They nourish marketplace trust as carefully as they do the white oak trees used to create the large barrels in which their whiskey is stored to age.
They Surprise
Every letter I get from my “neighbors” in Lynchburg is a creative masterpiece. I tear it open faster than a check from the IRS. I know it’s mostly fantasy but it sure is fun! You can log on a section of their website called “Here’s to You,” select specifically how you enjoy your Jack (I like mine on the rocks), click on that icon, and actually hear them pouring your Jack Daniel’s just the way you like it. It brings new meaning to the phrase “channel management.” Regardless of the modifier, service with a surprise builds customer advocacy.
Jack Daniel’s whiskey might seem like an odd exemplar of remarkable service. I am certainly not advocating the irresponsible consumption of adult spirits. And, I am not on the Jack Daniel’s payroll or a stock holder. Jack Daniel’s is a compelling demonstration of how a product based company can build advocacy through a provocative collection of remarkable experiences.
There is another powerful fact. Like many manufacturers, they use a multi-tiered distribution system. Yet, they have found a powerful way to directly reach the consumer without upsetting the wholesaler or the retail store owner in their “factory to consumer” distribution chain.
What the Jack Daniel’s story suggests is that remarkable service is first and foremost bold, imaginative and stimulating. It has a kind of joyful “wake-up call” dimension that makes the customer sit up and take notice. It can be daring, but might not be. It can be assertive, or it might be quietly provocative. It always ends up a “shining moment” in the memory of the customer. Its boldness lies in its capacity to stir the emotion of the recipient. Consider this: if a company in the business of making an object can so effectively delight their customers, think of the unlimited potential of organizations in the business of making memories.
The path to customer advocacy is not complex. But, it is by no means easy. It begins with treating customers in new ways. If you understand them, include them, teach them, protect them from anxiety, and occasionally surprise them in a charming way, they will reward you with their advocacy and their funds.
Note: The references to the Tennessee Squire Association are used with written permission from the good folks at Jack Daniel Distillery in Lynchburg, TN.
I really enjoyed the article! Jack Daniels has been my primary drink for 10 years or so now, so last summer when the Navy moved me from CT to CA, I found the perfect chance to visit the distillery. I had expected to enjoy it, but I never expected the genuine welcome, customer care, and fantastic service they had there to make this the highlight of my road trip. The standard tour of the distillery, which was greater than a 45 minutes, cost $2. $10 for the tasting tour. And it was a great tour. The tour guide was actually a certified master taster. Even though I loved their product for years already, I gained significant respect for the company and employers after spending a day there (even though we were told everyone was so cheery that day because on the last Friday of the month, every employee gets a free bottle!) Honestly I think I’d love to work there one day. I think I could learn to make barrels in that gorgeous town. Until then, I’ll try to get into the Tennessee Squires. If you’re ever in the area, it’s a great time in a gorgeous town with good food and good people.
Glad you enjoyed the blog. Let me know if I can help! Chip
The comments you wrote ring true. Everytime I am there I feel right at home. I live in the Atlanta area and try to make the trip at least once a year. I recently became a member of the Order of Gentlemen and I am trying to become a member f the squires. I have written them directly and I am now just waiting. My Father and I enjoy Songle Barrel and Gentlemen together on the weekends and we have the chance see each other. There are many great conversations and memories made while enjoying a Jack on the rocks. Have a great Fourth!!
Thanks for your blog. I am looking to be nominated as a Squire. Is there anything that I can do to earn a nomination from you?
Please feel free to contact me via this post or via email for more information. Thank you so much in advance!
What a great article about a company with genuine respect and love for its customers, love Jack Daniels ever since I first sent them a letter years ago snd they responded with a brillant gold embossed reply inviting me to visit if i was ever in Lynchburg . Its rare in this day and age to find a company like Jack Daniels, l am from dublin, ireland and hope one day to take then up on their kind invite.thanks for the article I really enjoyed it. Slainte
This is a great article. I have been a big Jack fan for most of my adult years and had heard of the Squire program; but, despitemeeting Jack fans from all over the world have never had anyone talk about the squire program. How does one approach a squire to ask for recoomendation?
Thanks again for a great article.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Jack is a truly wonderful beverage and company. My first distillery tour was on my birthday, many years ago now. I have been interested in the Squires Association ever since. I would he humbled to earn a nomination. Please feel free to contact me if you need to know more. Thank you again.
Sure thing, Eric. Send me a note at [email protected]. Glad you liked the piece! Chip
Any advice on the road to becoming. Squire would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Chip.
Paul…it requires getting nominated by another squire. Learn more on the Tennessee Squires website. There are other requirements, but it starts with a nomination!
This was a truly enlightning article to read. I have spent more time than care to say researching the history of Jack Daniels, its Master Distillers, Bottle Shape / Label History, and just any general information I could get my hands on. It is a company that I am proud to support. I see Jack Daniels sponsor events and give back to the community and I have to say that I am amazed that a company of its size can still manage to feel small and personable. I am known as a Jack Daniels drinker by everyone in my life, when I visit my local bars every single bartender knows to just pour a double tall Jack & Coke. I have started to collect many Jack Daniels bottles over the years, my favorite would have to be the Jack Daniels Holiday Select, just something about sipping on a nice glass of Jack Daniels neat by the fireplace in the wintertime sounds heavenly to me.
I realize you must get asked all the time about the Tennessee Squire Association and how one goes about becoming a member. I have done a fair amount of research on the subject and know that one must be nominated for membership. I’m not sure if you A. are able to nominate more people (i.e. me) or B. would even want to.
I would be happy to tell you more about myself and my life / background if you’d like to know. I can honestly say that ever since I discovered the Tennessee Squires Association I have dreamt of becomign a member.
Thank you for taking the time to write this amazing article Chip and keep up the stellar work.
Phillip Lane
Can you please send this note to [email protected]. Thanks.
Hello Mr. Bell,
I’m just coming across your article now, as part of my research into the Tennessee Squires. Thank you for the informative and entertaining piece. It’s solidified my decision to switch my ‘go-to’ bottle over to JD.
Thank you,
R. Clemens
Thanks for you feedback. There is a reason Jack Daniel has been around for over 150 years!!! Chip
Hi Mr. Bell,
Great article! I love all things JD. I’ve lived in Tennessee my whole life and have wanted to be a Squire ever since I found out about it. If you or any other JD enthusiast could help me out with a nomination, I’d greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for your note, Andrew. I get requests like yours a lot and have made a commitment to the Tennessee Squire Association that I would only recommend people I know personally….which was the intend of the Association. You might ask your local liquor store which of their customers are Jack Daniel enthusiasts. Among them is likely to be a member. Best of luck!