Reading this header you could identify yourself, as it is the main problem a lot of companies are facing. Unfortunately there is not a magic formula to sell more and meet easily the corporate goals, although there are several tools that could help to get them. A big number of companies deployed large CRM projects with very bad results. Usually there is a couple of points they never think about, and they should be the first step to stop in. CRM is not only a software. It is a corporate philosophy all the teams need to work on. It is about to be customer centric, to share all customer info between all company members, it is data analysis, it about business strategy. Obviously it is about a software platform to support all business process and policies, and also the way to automatize manual tasks to be more efficient.If you are interested in this topic, might be you are thinking: it seems to be helpful, but why and how could this platform help me? Modern CRM platform are very complete, and close the sales and marketing loop. It is very important to cover the full sales cycle and think in the user efficiency.
-Raise the win rates: CRM platform help us to perform a better follow up in the sales cycle and this impact in the number of deals we would won. These opportunities have a lot of characteristic and fields in the system, so everybody in the company could be aware if an additional help is need in order to win this deal (proposal management, legal counsel, presales activities, demos, key notes,..)
-360 customer view: as said before, this CRM platform should be the place to share all the customer info and knowledge. This allows us to run different up-selling and cross-selling initiative. Evidently this will raised also our sell figures.
-Business control: CRM platform is also a customer and business repository. So any marketing or sales initiative should be run taken into account this info. These programs will be more accurate (customer segmentation …) and the ROI will be faster, more secure and easier for all of them
-Meet corporate goals: A continuous follow up of key KPIs and metrics of our corporate goals help us to get them. CRM platform provide us this info in the more accurate way, and allow managers be faster taking decisions.
Not all the CRM platforms are exactly the same (although almost all of them have similar capabilities). Each company is different and has their own needs, so a detail analysis is required in order to choose the correct platform. But as described, the key point is to be sure to deploy a new way to work, and to be sure the technology could support all the business processes we are running.