History repeats itself with each new application published in the AppStore: two days after publication, an application can have 500 or even a thousand downloads! However, in most cases, 1 month later the result is this: 3 thousand installations and 2,890 uninstallations.
You must be asking yourself: What are the reasons that users delete an application?
Believe me, there are several answers to your question. It is not so simple to answer, taking into account that each user has a different consumption profile. In fact, the problem may lie in different stages of application planning.
From excessive advertising to the design of the app, everything counts for the user to want to delete the app.
And, with the ease and competitiveness that we have today, with the advancement of technology, consumers are increasingly demanding. With just one click, it uninstalls an app and downloads another one, with the same functions, but perhaps more useful.
Therefore, you cannot afford to develop an application more or less. It must be impeccable so that the user does not consider exchanging it for a similar one. In fact, developing the application is just 10% of all the effort required.
It is necessary to understand where the main difficulties arise, and why some applications do well and others not so well. And yet, why some gain traction, but in the long run, fail to maintain it.
For that reason, here is a compilation with 9 reasons that users delete an application.
1. Too much information in the register.
Recently, an A / B test carried out by Pew Research proved that 54% of users uninstall applications before even registering.
The reason? They are afraid to register a large amount of personal information. With the increase in the use of applications, users are increasingly expert and, of course, more selective.
If your business or service requires a lot of user information, the most recommended solution is to create a simpler registration initially and allow the user to access the application with limited resources
That way, as the user “pioneers” the app’s resources, you can create situations to collect the rest of the necessary information.
Your app needs to offer value before asking for information! You have to demonstrate what it is for. Build trust.
2. Show all functions on the first contact
It is common to see in the applications a guided tutorial showing all the available functions. It sounds like a great approach, right? Believe me, most users don’t even read the first sentence.
The natural tendency is to press “Next…. Next .. skip .. ok ” in an automatic way to finally access the first screen of the application.
If your application needs a “Guided Tutorial” that shows the available functions, it’s time to review the project and the entire usability flow. The design of the application must be intuitive, and any guidance must be discarded. If possible, create gamification in the step-by-step guide or help section.
3. Ads, Advertisements and Publicity
Usually, when we mention this tip with customers, the first reaction is denial.
The main reason for creating an application is: generate income, monetize, make money. So far so good, many apps have ads to generate income.
You must understand that advertising is not the main focus of the app and that any impact on the experience (UX) will harm the user and, as a result, the app will be quickly uninstalled.
So try different types of ads. Size, text, position and especially when the ad is shown. If the application is paid, consider removing all ads, after all the user is already financing the development.
4. Excess Internet and Battery Consumption
It is common to hear complaints from a significant percentage of users that the newly installed application is draining their battery. This can happen due to several factors, but the most common ones are the constant use of GPS or excessive requests to the internet.
While it is not a concern for most companies that develop applications, it is important to be concerned with the information that is downloaded and the frequency with which it is updated.
A smart approach is to use the local database, so all information is saved locally and can be accessed without having to consult the internet. In some situations, such as on social networks, for example, information obtained locally may not be the best option.
Regarding GPS, the most appropriate approach is to use it only when the user interacts with the application. When in the background, the ideal is not to use this feature. This does not apply, however, in urban mobility applications.
5. Unintuitive UX
The UX ( User experience ) is essential to provide the user with good use in the application. The user understands and is induced to use the features through a good UX.
During the first contact with the application, the user tends to explore all the functionality, looking for what value that application will add in their day to day.
As the user uses the features he may feel doubtful or insecure, and this feeling of frustration is one of the reasons that users delete an application.
6. Little content or insufficient users
One of the biggest challenges is to reconcile the user base and enough content to keep them entertained. There are many situations in which the user, after downloading the application and making a long registration, is faced with an empty screen or with outdated information.
When user-generated content is crucial to the experience of other users, not finding enough content can lead to an early uninstall. And they probably won’t be back in the app again.
Make sure to start in a controlled environment, with a closed group, in which it is possible to bring the various customer segments to the platform at the same time.
Another challenge is in service apps, like Uber. It is necessary to carry out specific marketing campaigns for users and also for providers, in the case of drivers. In this way, the application will have a balanced customer and driver base, avoiding frustrations such as the lack of drivers, for example. Uber
7. Swiss Army Knife: many features, little use
Common during the creation of an application, the excess of functionality and little utility is one of the main reasons that users delete an application.
The feeling we have is that applications with little use, tend to have many features to “hide” the low added value. The applications that stand out are those that have only one feature and do it very well.
Over a period of time, users tend to demand more resources and increase the scope of the features offered by the application, but on the first day having a clear and unique proposal will communicate with the user and help to identify the value of the application.
8. Errors, bugs and crashes
When problems are present, applications are quickly replaced by a competitor that performs the same functions with excellence. When it comes to startups and validating an idea, some mistakes are part, especially if it is a disruptive idea.
If you are considering launching an app similar to other existing dozens, you must be very careful not to launch something inferior to the existing and consolidated ones.
9. Translation of the application
Although it is not valued, having a multi-language application will guarantee global retention. By making an app available on the AppStore, you are sharing it with the world.
One of the main reasons that users delete an application before they even register is the language limitation. It is essential to have an application that supports at least Portuguese and English.
10. Metrics and reports
To prevent users from deleting your app, you need to understand the reasons that users delete it. Use tools to map user behavior when using your app, only then will you understand the consumption pattern and identify the reasons.
Monitor valuable metrics such as completing the tutorial, time spent on each screen, closing the app, tracking back between screens and more.
For example, if users are closing your app after connecting their Facebook account to create a new account, it could mean that there is a bug that is causing the app to crash or that users are reluctant to share their social network information first visit. You may need to offer email registration as an additional option.
The mobile application landscape will be increasingly larger and more competitive. As more applications enter the market, you’ll need every advantage you can to stay ahead of your competitors.
ASO (App Store Optimization)
Once the reasons why users delete the application and the solution has been identified, the next step is to attract more users! For this, you need to study about ASO, which are techniques to improve the ranking and visibility of the app on the AppStore.
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