What we find is there are a lot of buzz words Big Data, Net Promoter Score, Chief Customer Officer or Voice of Customer. A lot of those are used as simplistic code words when in fact the entire process is much, much more complicated than that. For instance, in most organizations Voice of Customer is viewed as being surveys and maybe look at some complaints. We think that’s a simplistic approach. Both of those are looking in a rear view mirror. They’re lagging indicators. We find in most organizations that Big Data is a big opportunity. In most cases, organizations have all kinds of data saying what they are about to do to the customer….says podcast guest John Goodman
John Goodman is Vice Chairman of Customer Care Measurement and Consulting (CCMC). CCMC’s customer satisfaction and loyalty surveys and analytics are used by leading Fortune 500 companies from every industry to produce a better ROI from their investments in customer experience. John has managed more than 1,000 separate customer service studies, including the White House sponsored evaluation of complaint handling practices in government and business and studies of word of mouth and the bottom-line impact of consumer education sponsored by Coca-Cola USA. The American Management Association published his book, Strategic Customer Service, in May, 2009.
He has published scores of articles including “Using Service to Grow the Top Line” in the AMA Journal, 8 articles in Quality Progress as well as BrandWeek, the American Banker and Marketing News. Business Week credits Mr. Goodman’s research for creation of the GE Answer Center, the original customer satisfaction contact center, as well as instigation of service initiatives at American Express, Coors and Toyota.
John was so gracious with his time and I was so intrigued with what he was saying that I had to make this a 2-part podcast. This podcast is worth paying for, part 1 of 2.
Download Podcast: Click and choose options: Download this episode
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John will be presenting at the ASQ 2013 Service Conference. He holds a pre-conference workshop on Sunday, October 6th WKSP01: Using the Voice of Multiple Customers (VoC) to Drive Quality: Be Easy to Do Business and Monday the Session M04: Beyond the Buzzwords: Using Data to Enhance Loyalty and Service ROI.
On Tuesday afternoon, I have the honor to be presenting at the same conference, Session T06: Lean Service Design.