Last week I went to looking for a pizza stone specifically for my Weber grill. Weber makes a couple options, but I was particularly intrigued by a custom stone by Red Sky Grilling. It cost a little more to ship, but I liked that it both curved with the shape of the Weber kettle grill, plus had a lot of great reviews.
When the stone arrived earlier this week, here’s what was inside. Not just a carefully wrapped stone, but also a wedge of pecan wood for my first cook plus a hand-written thank you note.
The note thanked me for my order, invited me to watch how-to videos on their Web site, and asked me to share my grilling experiences on their Facebook page.
Love it. It you peruse their Web site and forums, you’ll see just how passionate their customers are.
It’s not a coincidence that companies and products with this kind of active, loyal following also do the little things.