The other day friend Russel Lolacher tweeted a recent installment of a customer service all star roster called “50 Brands Named Customer Service Champions“.
Then yesterday, for whatever reason, I was experimenting with some text on Wordle.
Put these two things together inside my brain. Stir. Marinate for twenty four hours. And out came this post. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at word clouds from some of the company websites listed as customer service champions.
Two observations jumped out at me while I was going though this exercise
1. Very few of these companies have an RSS or Atom for Wordle to access the site’s content. These companies are not necessarily leveraging social tools or content marketing to engage with their customers online in that manner. And apparently, that has little effect on their ability to create engaging customer experiences and deliver superior customer service. As a process note, I attempted to run Wordle on those site where social engagement would align with their business. For example, Wegmans rather than Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative.
2. Those companies for which I was able to generate a word cloud, they really seem to be all over the map in terms of their “Customer Service Champion” messaging. With some, like Indigo Hotels, the words jump off the page. Words such as “Service”, “Trust”, “Individual”, “Inspired”, “Helpful” and “Community”. With others like Apple and Saks Fifth Avenue, the messaging is focused on the products.
I wonder. Should this be reason to pause in the declaration that social web engagement is a key to excellent customer engagement and experience? And, is it also safe to say that the companies that provide exceptional customer experience invest more time and resources in doing it than in talking about it?
Or are my conclusions way off?